chapter 9

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Walking back to the base but going a different way from the way they arrived at the village, Mitsuri and the age are still walking in a awkward silence with Mitsuri still not over the new information that she learned about the age woman.

In the distance pennywort sees another village, she looks towards Mitsuri as she remembers that she promised to get phym and the butterfly girls something on the way back.

"Mitsuri could we stop off at that village, I promised to phym and the butterfly girls something."

"Of course! We can also get something to eat there."

"Thank you."

Walking into the village and just like the first one you were getting stared at a lot and something in your gut told you something was wrong, leaning down slightly you glance around at everyone as you whispered to mitsuri.

"Something doesn't feel right here, be on watch"

"Could it be another demon?"

You wanted to say yes but it didn't feel like a normal demon you're thinking that it could be an aragami but you only know of one aragami here and it's the one that sent phym and you here. Mitsuri watches you in silence as she sees a multitude of emotions rush through your eyes, when you notice her watching you, you nod letting out a huff.

"I believe so"

The age woman didn't like lying to mitsuri but she couldn't figure out what it was that's giving you this feeling. Noticing the worried look mitsuri grabs the ages wrist and drags her towards a restaurant that she had spotted.

"Let's go get something to eat then after you can get something for phym and the butterfly girls!"


Mitsuri can hear the reluctantice in the ages voice since she probably want to investigate and ask questions but mitsuri could see all the glares that was directed at the age and knew nobody will answer her questions or just out right ignore her.

The restaurant was small and quint on the inside and you found it to be nice as you glanced down at the menu you felt a little overwhelmed by the amount of food they have some you've never even heard of before mitsuri notices your look and quickly smiles at you.

"Oh can't you read the menu? Don't worry I can read it for you."

Looking at mitsuri you gave a shake of your head and gave a small smile then looked at the menu again.

"I can read it I'm mostly overwhelmed by the food choices I've never seen or heard of some of the things on the menu"

"Oh sorry what ones do you want to try?"

Mitsuri tilted her head giving the age a questioning look then looks at the menu again.

"All of them I bet the ingredients taste better then what they do at home."

The age laughs a little glancing up at mitsuri as she puts the menu away as a server comes up to them. You kept your eyes on mitsuri as she orders.

"Two of everything please"

Mitsuri happily puts two fingers up as told the server but the age hears the disgust that the server throws at mitsuri when she ordered two of everything and she could see mitsuri's smile dim a little due to the server.

"Actually make it three of everything please"

You turned your head to the server staring them dead on as the server scoffs then finally turns to look at you but the server's face changed from annoyance, irritated and disgust to fear when they look at you.

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