chapter 7

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After leaving the room with the kids, you lean against the wall sighing looking down at the armlets and your hands.

"Are you guys ok back home? Why did we come here and when can I go home?"

You give a sad whisper then glance towards the door of the room you just came out of before you go look around your new home for a bit.

Back on the chrysanthemum Hilda is dealing with requests regarding the devil of the chrysanthemum, she stated that you're having a break to spend time with phym and with other jobs. Amy spends her time trying to find anything on the aragami that you were fighting for anything about your disappearance.

Keith is trying create something within the God arcs to find you or try to bring you back but all times he fails because he starts to break down crying and looks at a picture of you and him together after his core engage memory, he calls the photo home.

"What would you do? Knowing you friend I'd say you'll destroy everything to find but also destroying yourself in the process"

Keith stares at the picture a bit longer then go back to find out something that can help.

Zeke and Hugo continue to do missions in hope of finding more about your disappearance and the aragami that is the reason for phyms and yours disappearince.

Claire stays in the infermary so she can give you and phym medical attention when you come back, Lulu comes and checks up on Claire but when Claire see her she gets a disappointed depressing look.

Lulu cries non-stop when she's alone despite the rough introduction the two of you had she found comfort in your presence like it's one of the only thing that keeps her sane along with phyms smiles. In lulu's eyes phym was in no doubt your daughter as she had gained your smile.

"Please let them come home please"

Lulu speaks in a broken hoarse voice pleading for anyone above for you and phym to come home safely.

While you were walking around your new home you felt eyes on you wherever you walked in the house, looking around you managed to get in front of a room smelling heavily of medicine.

"My, what are you doing in front of my office?"

Turning my head slightly glancing at the shorter girl shrugging my shoulders then glancing back at the door.

"I don't actually know, I was walking around and I zoned out I guess thinking about home, I suppose your office reminds me of it."

Shinobu looks worryingly at the age when she sees her hand shaking, Shinobu doesn't know if it's a good sign or a bad one.

"Are you ok? Your hand is shaking."

You glance at your hand slightly then back at Shinobu.

"It means I need to inject bias factor into my body to stop my oracle cells from eating me from the inside out or I'll turn into an aragami, you want the former"

Shinobu takes in your words the gains a horrified expression but the goes back to her forced smile.

"Could I have some help injecting the bias factor, it's hard to do by myself"

"Can't phym help you"

You give a soft smile to Shinobu shaking your head.

"No, I want her to be a kid and play with the triplets"

"Then let's head in shall we?"

Shinobu opens the door for us as we both take a step in, handing her the vials of bias factor Shinobu looks at them both intently while I take seat having my arms on the arm of the chair. Shinobu walks over to me crouching down lightly looking for a away to inject the serum.

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