chapter 11

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Phym didn't like it here everyone was too noisy and everyone scared her... She was afraid of getting separated from her mommy, squeezing her mommy's hand she moved closer to her which led to her mommy wrapping an arm around her shoulder still holding her hand.

Phym always felt better when she was near her mommy since she knows her mommy will always keep her safe or will always come for her if she's ever taken... Again.

You could tell phym was overwhelmed by the amount of people they were probably overwhelming her senses too, she was probably afraid of getting separated from you as well so you made sure she was close to your side and away from everyone else. As we continued walking through the village I had a very distinct feeling that we were being watched so discreetly I made phym and I walk through alleyways and purposely get lost in the crowd.... I hated doing that because I didn't want phym to be uncomfortable but I want to make sure she's safe.

Yushiro watched as lady Tamayo mixed and studied the blood samples that demon Slayer tanjiro sent them, the other demon that was currently living in this area didn't bother them since yushiro blood arts was hiding them and the demon seemed really stupid anyway but both lady Tamayo and him stood up tall with the hairs on the back of their necks stood tall.

Two very powerful presences came in and making them both scared and worried in case he had found them.

"We have to find who or what is making that much presences"

"But lady Tamayo!!?"

"Enough if we felt their presence what's to say the other demon hasn't felt it? We have to make sure they're safe"

Even as lady Tamayo stayed calm and perfect yushiro could here the slight tinge of fear in her voice.

"We shouldn't waste time"

Throwing causation to the wind Tamayo left immediately before yushiro had any chance to react now he is peeved off at whoever or whatever as taken away lady Tamayo's focus and made her so scared.

One minute phym was next to me the next she's gone from my grasp, separated from me in a unknown location with an unknown threat that could've taken her now the only thing on my mind right now.

Is murder.

The age quickly goes down an alleyway and quickly goes on a roof immediately getting the high ground so she can have a vantage point to hopefully spot phym and the dead person who took her.

Phym didn't know how it happened one minute she was next to her mommy the next she was defending herself from the demon who took her away from her mommy.

"Stop moving you stupid brat, once I eat you I'll be stronger then that man will acknowledge me"

The demon started to drool and it was actually dripping onto the floor. Phym didn't like how dirty the demon was she disliked dirty cause it was gross she liked being clean like mommy, lulu, Claire and Hugo; phym didn't mind Keith's dirty because he was working hard.

Phym kept dodging all the attacks the demon was weak kinda like the oink oink piggies or the weird spiders or big horn so she was able to defend herself just fine but she was trying to remember what her mommy told her to do if she got separated.

"Sweetie if you get separated from mommy just send up a flare and I'll converge to your location"

Right send up a flare, phym had knocked back the demon using her heavy moon then immediately sent up a flare so mommy can find me.

Quickly turning your head when you noticed the flare going up into the sky smiling softly you dashed towards where the flare was sent up.

"That's my girl"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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