chapter 4

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You kept phym close to you not knowing if the villagers would take kindly towards you since we're an outsiders. We went to a small flower shop that was still open as the rest of the people should be having dinner or resting right about now.

"Hello travelers, what would you like we have a lovely selection of flowers this evening."

Phym went wondering around the little store while you went to the counter where the little old lady was playing with a little charm that was there.

"Hello ma'am I was wondering if there has been any trouble in the village?"

You already knew that the demon was at this village you just wanted to see if you can pinpoint the exact location of where the demon has been attacking, if anyone has gone missing or anything else that could be of use.

"I wouldn't know dearie but some of the villagers have been saying there's been muffled screams at a house on the edge of town, a little west from here."

"Thank you for your time ma'am."

"It's no problem but could you help me get something down dearie."

"Can I help too mommy?"

"Of course sweetie, what would you like help with ma'am?"

"Getting some soil down the people who delivered it put it to high up for me."

"Certainly but how come there is no-one to help you out?"

"My daughter ran out my granddaughter so I was raising her but as she grew up she started to hate me thinking I was keeping her from her mother, then one day she left leaving an awful note."

The old lady started to tear up so phym gave her a hug while you were getting the soil down for her and putting it in a location where she can easily get to it herself, you watched the women waddle around to the soil and started doing the plants.

"Thank you dearie, I forgot to introduce myself earlier apologies."

"That's ok my mommy tells me it's normal forget something!"

"I'm yoshino."

"I'm y/n pennywort and this is my daughter phym, sorry to cut this short but I'm going to investigate the house you told me about."

"Of course dearie, be careful now."

"Bye yoshino"

You walked down the path towards the location of the house that yoshino had told you about, phym and you listening into conversation to learn anything new about the demon.

"Mommy I hear that the demon is targeting mommy's does does that mean it's going to come after you?"

You just give off a hum the look at the sky telling you it's about midnight as you got further from the centre of the village to near a wooded area where yoshino had told you seeing a lone house with cobwebs and a little rotten down, suddenly you feel bloodlust come speeding at you but they aren't as fast as some aragami you had faced.

"You bitch you shouldn't been able to that!"

"Please refrain from swearing in front of my daughter."

The demon rushed at you pushing you away from phym, it tries to slashing at with what you think is flower petals you dodged another wave of them before the demon gets even more pissed.

"Stay still! I have to get rid of you to find mother then maybe mother will finally love me."

You disappear from the demons view make her turn in a full circle looking everywhere before she comes face to face with phyms heavy moon.

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