chapter 10

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It wasn't hard to find Shinobu you had just guessed she was in her office and you were right. Now standing in front of her desk arms folded over as you waited patiently for her to look up.

"You can talk you know"

Shinobu finally looked up as she placed her brush down as she stopped writing something that seemed important.

"Didn't want to disturb you so I was waiting till you were done with that"

Unfolding her arms the age nodded her head at the document that the insect hashira was working on, sighing the age leaned over the desk putting her hands on-top so she could support her body.

"So... Phym told me you were angry."

Shinobu looks away from my gaze and looks down at her paper muttering.

"I'm fine"


Huffing out Shinobu looks back up into my eyes with an irritated glare one which I returned with a stern glare. We kept our eyes locked onto each other neither of us wanting to back out of this staring contest til eventually Shinobu looked away.

"I've already had this talk with tanjiro I don't need one with you"

"Unlike me tanjiro is a kid, a child who is too pure hearted to give any proper criticism or has much experience...."

Sighing you give Shinobu a small smile laughing a little shaking your head.

"Tanjiro is- he's a good kid don't get me wrong but I think you'd want some better advice. So tell me what is going on in that head of yours? Talk to me."

"Phym is right I'm angry, tanjiro managed to pick it up as well but nezuko's existence has been acknowledged officially so I entrusted my dream to him well my sister's dream."

"What was that dream?"

When I took hold of Shinobu's hand I was so sure that Shinobu was going to shake it off or retract her hand but she had surprised me. Shinobu gripped my hand back. Her hand was so much smaller compared to mine that Shinobu's fingers only went half way up my fingers.

"My sister's dream, her dream was that demons and humans could become friends. I thought it was stupid that it was impossible but"

"Nezuko changed that"


There was silence after but it wasn't an awkward silence it was letting the information sit in silence while the age thought she cut Shinobu off shinobu thought otherwise she thought the age just put the pieces together and completed her sentence.

"That doesn't explain why you're angry"

"No it doesn't but my sister, she died no she was slaughtered by a demon that every time I see someone lose their loved one to a demon I just get so angry that I bottle it up letting it build inside of me. It swells deep within me that there's a revulsion the other hashiras will feel it as well but nezuko the demon who has never devoured a person we all saw it, we've memorised it and out of respect for the master we won't lay a hand on her."

While Shinobu was talking you moved around the desk never letting go of her hand as you kneeled down next to her tilting your head as you listened to what she said and once she finished you decided to put your own input, your own experience.

"I'd say it'll be impossible for humans and demons to be friends well for all of them to be friends"

Shinobu snapped her head towards you her eyes holding shock as she stared at you squeezing your hand subconsciously. She had thought you would be like tanjiro.

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