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You and phym are out on a mission having mother daughter time as phym wanted to spend time with you.

Phym: mommy can I have candy when get back home?

Me: sure sweetie.

Amy:*radio* guys I'm picking up a large aragami headed towards you fast, I think it's a ashborn.

Me: thanks for letting us know Amy.

Amy:*radio* my pleasure.

You feel the ground rumble a bit to your right as you get your God arc ready.

Me: ready phym?

Phym: ready mommy!

The aragami appears in front of both you making you both almost loose balance but manged to hold your ground. While maintaining eye contact with the aragami you noticed it's one you haven't dealt with before so you changed your God arc into its gun mode and started firing at it to see what attacks it does.

Me:*radio* Amy this is a new type of aragami taking precautions now.

Amy:*radio* Roger that y/n, can you give a description?

You dodged it's swipes noticing it's both fast and slow then shot at its back to find a weak spot as phym went for the legs.

Me:*radio* of course, it has the tail of a borg armour around its legs like a Marduk. Half its face looks human and the other half-

You run through slashing its legs then jumping up devouring it then engaging with phym while entering acceleration Tigger state.

Me:*radio* the other half looks like a dragon, it's a decent size like a borg but bigger it has arm wings with jets.

Phym: mommy tell Amy that it's has a sharp underbelly.

Me:*radio* hear that Amy?

Amy:*radio* affirmative y/n.

You watch the aragami jump slamming down causing the ground to move with steam rising up then ice and Fire shoot up from the ground and swirling like a tornado.

Me: phym move!

The aragami charges at her ramming her over then entering a burst state you run jumping over its back slashing at it then changing back into gun mode firing making it focus back on you then it enters a burst state again.

Me:*radio* Amy it's entered burst state then entered it again after only using a devour attack once, ice and fire attacks.

Amy:*radio* added that to the file y/n.

Phym attacks the tail making it break so you joined her in the attack on it before the tail managers to surprise you with spikes coming out of it inflicting wounds to only you as phym changed to the legs.

Me:*radio* Amy report on the status of the aragami.

Amy: *radio*it's like you barely left a scratch on it.

Hilda:*radio*y/n I want you to fall back and call a retreat the aragami is too much for you and phym alone.

Me:*radio*sorry Hilda but I can't right now we don't know what will happen if we don't get it now.

Hilda:*radio*fine I'll send Lulu and Hugo as back up.

Me:*radio*alright, wait hang on something's happening there's a black fog fuck it's charging we don't have time for back- *static*

Amy:*radio*y/n, y/n report in. Hound 1 report in, please respond guys please report.

Hilda turns to see Lulu and Hugo while having a worried face as Amy is still trying to get in contact with you and phym calling out your name and trying to track the movements of the aragami as she starts shaking when she can't find your heart rates.

Hugo: what's going on hilda?

Lulu: what's going on with y/n and phym?

Amy: we've lost contact with y/n and phym.

Hilda: we are sending you two to investigate what happened, make sure to bring Claire and Zeke.

Hugo: of course.

You wake up from taking that hit from the aragami as you look down to see phym gently in your arms as you used your shield to block the attack but it went straight through as you then shield phym you can feel your body pulse telling you that you have some internal injuries.

Hugo and the others arrive at your last know location to find clues on what happened with you and phym while also trying to find out more about the aragami you were facing.

Claire: I see no blood.

Lulu: and I see no pieces of clothing.

Claire: so we don't know if it's a good sign or a bad one.

Zeke: they can't have just disappeared, what about the aragami they were fighting?

Hugo: Amy said it left the area after phym and y/n disappeared.

Lulu: so finding the aragami is the clue to finding phym and y/n.

Claire: at least we know they'll both be safe, y/n won't let anything happen to phym.

Hugo: yes but how we can be sure they're in a safe place, also what happens if ash storms happens if they're somewhere around.

Zeke: they'll be fine this is y/n we are talking about she's the one of the best AGE out there.

They all nod before heading back to the chrysanthemum not before they found a piece of aragami armour taking it with them while ignoring the numbness they feel in their hearts at your disappearance while to of them feel sick because of this feeling.

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