chapter 5

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Matsuemon flew off your shoulder and went to inform the master that you're here while you slowly walked in with phym checking the surroundings just in case what ever is making the air hostile attacks you and making sure you'd have the advantage. Phym is slightly bouncing in your arms holding the flower basket excited to see kagaya again.

"Caw master she is here Caw."

"Thank you matsuemon."

Tanjiro who is still by ubuyashiki floor looking at nezuko who is in her box looks at the master a little confused along with the hashira on who this she is, next they see master get hugged by a small child with a horn who tanjiro instantly recognised but the hashira who were already on edge from nezuko were prepared to attack phym so they could protect their master.

"Hello phym, how are you and your mother?"

"I'm doing ok so is mommy and we got flowers from our mission, would you like one?"

"I would like thank you phym and how is the sun right now?"

"It's very warm and bright which makes me happy like mommy's hugs!"

"Thank you phym"

The hashira are all confused on how the master and the child they know as phym can talk so easily and how the master didn't seem so bothered by it, phym brightens even more when she sees tanjiro and gives him a hug.

"MASTER! How is it you know this demon child!?"

"Could you not call my daughter a demon or we'll have some problems."

The hashira's turn to see a girl just older then Mitsuri walk into their view and the first things they notice is the amount of scars she has, even more then samemi and the giant red armlets she has on.

"Hello tanjiro, hello kagaya."

"Hello my sweet child, how was your mission?

"It was easy."

"You were on a mission pennywort-san?"

"Yes along with phym as well, didn't matsuemon tell you?"

"No he just told us you were meeting the master, was phym fighting with you as well!?"

"Yep my daughter is stronger then she looks but the demon only fought a little before we started talking then she died when the sun rose."

The master could feel your eyes on him because you were giving him a report on the mission while you were going wooden floor to great nezuko.

"Good work on the mission child."

"Thank you sir."

You faced nezuko then kneel before opening up you arms to which she shrinks herself a bit before running into them humming in delight with each step before jumping into them as you stand turning to tanjiro slightly glancing at the people who are kneeling towards the master. You ignored them because right now you wanted know how the boys were doing.

"Tanjiro how was your mission? Where is inosuke and zenitsu?"

Some of the hashira are gaining veins because they're being ignored and they want to speak out on who you are while the others are just watching you with curious gazes.

"It was difficult pennywo-"

"Just call me y/n."

"Y/n, there were two strong demons, zenitsu and inosuke are getting treated."

You let off a hum of recognition while putting nezuko down which phym decided to spend time with her.

"Now, who are you lot?"

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