chapter 6

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The hashiras stare at the women next to their master as she takes a shaky breathe while he daughter looks up at her in concern.

"I am a thing called an age or an adaptive God eater back home, we fight beasts called aragami but we are treated like tools, disposable items once we no longer had our uses we were cast aside. They do it to the kids as well."

They see her eyes glaze over in sadness, anger and another emotion that they cannot tell from her but it made Mitsuri to just give her a hug.

"I was owned by port pennywort which was named after the owner, the disgust I feel just having the same name as him is awful, he kept us in a cage as prisoners only letting us out of missions."

"Wait so pennywort isn't your real last name?"
Mitsuri asked in what she hoped was an innocent tone not wanting to upset the women.

The hashira sees the soft sad smile at the question giving a slight shake of her head, as Mitsuri sighs in slight relief. The tea arrives and she takes a sip probably to steal her nerves.

"No, I don't have any parents I've been an orphan for as long as I can remember, I've spent most of my life in that cage until one mission an ash storm hit the port the owners left leaving the others then our new home arrived."

"You keep referring to we!? Do you mean you and your daughter!?"

"No I hadn't met her until later, I'm talking about my brother's and little sister we aren't related what so ever but we were all owned by pennywort."

"Could you tell us their names please?"

"The oldest was Hugo, then me, Zeke, Keith then the three kids, marr, sho and lil. The last four were the ones left behind by the owner."

The woman gains a much happier smile which gives the hashira hope that it turns out better for the God eater.

"We joined up with port chrysanthemum as they were in the area that's when we met Hilda, Amy, Ricardo and Claire. Hilda and Amy are normal people but Ricardo and Claire are God eaters normal ones, so they only have one of these."

You gesture to the armlets on yourself by raising them before setting them back down on the table.

"After a couple of missions I met Lulu she was cast aside by her port, port Baran they're worse then pennywort when it comes to ages."

You clenched your first gritting your teeth as you remember how you met Lulu.

"Then I met phym later she was our cargo as it was attacked by an ash aragami, the ash born was going to attack her but I rushed in and took the attack myself, I should've been killed as ash born can use devour attacks like us but it'll kill us, we later found out that phym is a humanoid aragami, any questions?"

"Yes how old are all of you?"

"Hugo's 20, I'm 19, Zeke's 17, Keith 15, Claire 18, Lulu 19 then the kids are 8 and 9."

Everyone in the room wanted to throw up and are livid at how young you would've been when you started fighting, how long you would've been in that prison even the peaceful Kagaya was angry.

"So your daughter is an aragami? But don't you...?"

The implications in shinobu's voice are clear which made you glare at her that managed to make her shrink away in shame for daring to ask such a question.

"She may be one of them but she's a child and the aragami will attack her like animals in the food chain."

The hashiras decided not to ask any questions regarding phym any longer but one remained on their mind how come ages were treated like monsters unlike the normal God eaters as if you could read their minds you had given them an answer.

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