Chapter 3

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 She better be, as I was not sure how long I could hold back before all the control strings would snap.

“More than ready. Give it to me… Make me yours… I love you…”

Shit- that was it. Any plans of going slow went out the window. Lust, desire, pain, hope, love- dangerous fuel. I surged into her heat and all rational thought ceased.  She was the beginning and the end. If loving her would prove to by my destruction so be it. Right now,  all I felt was that every thrust, every moan, every breath I forced into my lungs hurled me closer to salvation.

Rising on my knees, I pulled her even closer. My hands found hers and our fingers interlocked as I held her arms above her head, driving into her, branding her as mine, claiming her all over again. Our eyes spoke the ancient promise, vowing to never let go.  I felt her coming apart, the blazing desire painting her body a gorgeous hue of pink, her swollen walls gripping me tightly. 

When I felt the wave threatening to take me under, I took one more breath, forcing my body to release all tension, allowing myself to become pure feeling.  The explosion took my breath away, I shuddered against her, releasing into her body as she forced every drop of my essence from me.  Finally, drained, weak, sweating, I fell against her, whispering my love for her over and over.

Lisa wrapped her arms around me, holding me close.  I don’t know why, but suddenly, I felt like a newborn baby.  Helpless and vulnerable.  I didn’t even notice I was crying until I felt her whispering the words I never thought I’d hear again.

“Shhht…it’s ok. I’m here.  You’ll make it.  You’re not alone anymore.  We got this…”

And then the miracle happened.  I fell asleep.

We made love several more times that night. Every time I woke up, I reached for her. She was my lifeline. And each time I almost passed out into a deep, dreamless state of replenishment.

When I woke up, one glance to the clock sent me reeling. Shit! It was after 2 pm! And I was alone.

Had it all been a horrible dream? I still smelled her on my skin- but maybe it was a brain tumor after all…

Lisa entered the room with a tray.


“Hey, you. I thought I had dreamt it all.”

“Well, you will wish you had.”

“Say what?”

“I called Kenny and you’re off today.  And then we gotta talk.”

“About you leaving?”

I knew it- this was another bootie call and she’d be out of here. Well, she better be prepared for a fight this time.

“Leaving? No, I told you.  I’m staying. But we gotta clean up this mess. It’ll take a while.”

“I don’t have a while. Do you know how much money I stand to lose if I delay the schedule?”

“Do you know that you have a very rich friend who doesn’t give a flying fuck how much it will cost as long as we get you straightened out?”

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