retrospect #2

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the crowd went wild after stell finished his song. "thank you." he said before making his way down the stage.

stell is indeed a famous model. i noticed how the people around him would immediately recognize his face and some of them even asks for his autograph or a picture with him but he politely declines them, saying that he's only here for personal business.

i'm very proud of him, though. he's successful now.... and he deserves all of it.

"ang cheesy m-" before i could even finish my sentence, stell already planted a kiss on my lips. some people were still looking at him so they saw what happened. i blushed.

"did you like my song?" he asked as he sat down beside me, purposely ignoring all the eyes around us.

"i-i did. i loved it, tulips. thank you."

"you're welcome."

i leaned in closer to his ear. "don't you feel awkward?"

"why would i feel awkward?"

"pinagtitinginan tayo, stell. they saw us kiss!" i whispered and stell only chuckled. he took my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

"that's the point, isn't it? i'd like them to know who i belong to." he said and grinned, making my stomach flutter.

finally, most people stopped watching us but i would still notice some giving us glances. stell's eyebrow rose up while looking at me.

"why? who do i belong to, jah?"

i scoffed. "mine." it feels good to say that with my whole chest.

"nice one, coffee. paano? shall we proceed on the next thing on our list?" he asked and ruffled my hair. i nodded enthusiastically and pulled him from his chair.

"let's go!"

we walked out of the bar still holding hands. i didn't mind the people's stares anymore. stell is bound to be my husband soon, anyways.

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