retrospect #10

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i groaned and held my head when i felt a sharp hint of pain as soon as i woke up. i felt a cloth bandage wrapped around my head, confused onto how i got this.

"you're awake. nice one, mr. ajero. ang tigas talaga ng ulo mo." i slowly opened my eyes when i heard someone speak. it was my doctor. i sheepishly smiled and chuckled.

"good afternoon, doc."

"walang good sa afternoon. sinabi na kasi sa'yong 'wag kang masyadong malikot dito sa condo mo dahil ikaw lang mag-isa. buti nalang dumating si justin agad. he saw you lying in the floor, unconscious, kaya he immediately called me."

i paused for a while and thought. hindi naman ako naglilikot kanina. i was just reading... when my head started to hurt... so bad .. then, everything suddenly went black.

"i'm gonna leave now. kapag sumakit ulit 'yang ulo mo, never hesitate to call me, okay? your condition is still kinda sensitive, stell. you have to let me know kapag hindi ka okay. understood?"

i nodded. "yes, doc. thank you."

she smiled and was about to leave when i stopped her.

"ah, doc..."


"uhm.. did justin leave already?"

she shook her head. "not yet. he was preparing food earlier and fixed some of your clothes pero ngayon, i think he's just watching on your television. hihintayin ka daw niya magising eh. why? should i tell him to leave?"

i quickly disagreed. "no, doc. it's fine."

she nodded and gave me a knowing smile which i didn't understand what for. she bid goodbye one last time before walking out of the room. i even heard her talking to justin before she went out of the unit.

the whole place suddenly went silent. i tried to listen closely to any sound that i could hear but there was none. did justin leave already?

i almost jumped out of bed when i heard two knocks on my door before it gently opened and then, there was justin, peeping his head inside the small crack by the door and giving me a sheepish grin.

"hi." he greeted. why is he so adorable...

i chuckled. "hi." and greeted him back.

justin slowly opened the door fully and entered the room, standing just by the end of my bed while i watched his every move. he looks too adorable anyway. he's wearing a black pants, black shirt, and low-cut black boots which makes him look even more gorgeous. damn, i think i'm simping too much ????????

justin looked down on the bed and i noticed how he hesitated if he should sit or not. i giggled, making him look at me with one eyebrow up.

"'wag kang tumatawa-tawa dyan, stellvester. may kasalanan ka pa." he said with his hands on his waist.

"what did i do?" i asked and justin finally sat down infront of me.

he sighed and gently held the bandage on my head. "you tell me. what did you do? did you remember something? or natumba ka ba tapos nauntog ka?" justin looks really worried and i didn't know why but i wanted to hug him so bad.

and so i did... i pulled him for a hug...

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