Chapter 3

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Isabelle's POV


Sweat was pouring down my face, my neck, and my stomach as I continued to unleash hard punches into the punching bag. My anger and hurt consuming me as my mind wondered back to him.

Punch. Punch.

He left me without even saying goodbye.

Punch. Punch. Punch.

He was supposed to come home a year ago. The punching bag was starting to rattle as the chain holding it up became weak.

Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch.

He stopped writing. He didn't care about me anymore, or any of us anymore.

Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch.

He doesn't love me.

With one last punch I knocked the punching bag off the chains, with a thud it hit the ground. My breathing was harsh as I tried to slow it down, using my arm I wiped some sweat off my forehead. With a sigh I walked over to the punching bag and picked it back up, hanging it back on the chain. What I had failed to notice was the fact that someone was watching me.

"So much anger in one so young."

I turned around sharply to see Master Splinter standing in front of the tree, just a few feet behind me.

"I'm sorry Sensei, I didn't mean to wake up."

I said with an apologetic look, after all it was now after 5:30 in the morning.

"It is okay child. Would you like to talk about what is bothering you?"

He asked with a soft, almost sad look  on his face, his hands rested on his cane.

"I think you know what's bothering me."

I said a little more harshly than intended. His look of sadness grew larger and I knew that he too missed his eldest son. I walked over to the corner where I kept my stuff and grabbed my athletic jacket, quickly I slipped it on over top of neon pink sports bra.

"You can not lose hope Isabelle. Leonardo will return to us."

When he said his name, I cringed my heart breaking little more. As I picked up the rest of my stuff and headed towards the door, I paused looking over my shoulder at him.

"I lost hope a long time ago."

With that I walked out the dojo and out of the lair all together.



I yelled out as the last cab in sight drove right past me. I huffed in frustration as I started to walk home from Winters Corp.

My job as Mr. Winters secretary sometimes consisted of late nights and no cabs to take me home. With a sigh I wrapped my pea coat tighter around me, the late December air blowing in my face.

My heels were the only sound that could be heard as I started walking past Purple Dragon turf. Although ever since the Night-Watcher  has been patrolling the city, their activity has been at a minimum.

The Night-Watcher was no stranger to me, every time I walked home I would always spot him on the rooftops. At first I thought it was strange but that was until I put the pieces together of who he really was.

"Would you look at what's come our way boys."

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a deep voice in the alleyway that was directly in front of. I made the mistake of stopping to see if I could make out who it was. In a instant I was shoved into the alleyway from behind.

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