Chapter 23

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Isabelle's POV

My body felt like it was in sleep mode, the lights in the lair caused my headache to increase. Leo had carried me all the way back the lair since I was still having problems standing on my own. Once we had reached the lair Donnie, Liz, April, and Raph ran straight into the lab.

"I should probably go check and see if they need anything."

Leo whispered in my ear. I answered with a small nod, since I was still having issues finding my voice. Every time I spoke it sounded rough and harsh.

"Isabelle come with me and we'll get you in some clean clothes"

Kelly said with a warm smile. Leo timidly placed my feet down on the floor, he kept one arm wrapped around me as he guided my hand towards the railing of the steps. He was reluctant to let go of me, but after a moment he let go placing a small kiss on my cheek.

As he headed off towards the lab, Kelly stepped up on the stair next to me with a smile. Taking a deep breath I lifted my leg to step up, but my legs were too weak causing me to fall forward my knees hitting the steps.

"Woah dudette are you alright?"

Mikey was soon behind me lifting me up on my feet, I nodded my head trying to signal that I was fine. Kelly looked at me sadly before looking at Mikey standing behind me and motioning her head. In the blink of an eye the orange clad hero had swept me up into his arm.

I let out a grunt of aggravation as he carried me up the stairs, Kelly chuckled as she bounded up the steps next to us.

"Its alright Isabelle. Donnie said you wouldn't be able to do some normal things for a couple days."

She said as she opened the door to the bedroom that her and Donnie shared, using her arm to motion for Mikey to sit me down on the bed. Mikey gave me a warm smile before he walked out and shut the door, I watched Kelly pull clothes out of the drawer.

"This should be comfy."

She said with a smile as she sat a lose thin gray sweatshirt with a pair of black yoga pants on the bed.

"Thank y-you."

Speaking caused my throat to hurt and the words came out harsh, but I couldn't stay silent forever. After all downstairs our niece was being born and the excitement was filling the whole lair.

"What you did was very brave tonight. But please never give us all heart attacks like that again."

Kelly said with a chuckle as she started to help my take my clothes off that were ripped to shreds anyways. My arms were too weak to keep lifted for a long wile and I was still exhausted.

"How long was I gone?"

She paused as she slipped the sweatshirt over my head.

"You were gone for almost 30 minutes."

She said as she helped me up so she could help me with my pants. She looked at me softly as my legs strated to wobble but I was able to steady myself.

"We should go back down there or we'll miss something."

She spoke as she let go of me and headed to the door, she paused to push it open and turned her head slightly to make sure I could walk on my own.

I nodded my head and followed after her slowly a couple steps at time. When I looked back over at Kelly she had her hand resting in her stomach like she did when she was carrying Tyler, I chuckled slightly at her.

"When are you gonna tell Donnie that he's gonna have another kid?"

Her eyes widened at me as I wobbled my way past her,then she chuckled before she started to walk beside me.

"I planed on doing it tonight. I'm going to check on Tyler."

I watched as Kelly walked down the hall towards her sons bedroom, with a smile I turned to the stairs and slowly made my way down, holding on to the rail as I went. After a few moments I was able to make it into the living room. Sitting on the couch was Casey and April having conversation amongst each other.

Mikey was leaning against, his head slumped down and his arms crossed over his chest. I smiled as I walked over to the recliner and listened to the music that was playing from the tv.

After what seemed like forever the lab doors swung open, reveling a proud Raph holding a bundle of pink cloth and a proud smile on his face.

"I'd like to introduce Ember Grace Hamato!"

He exclaimed as he held up his daughter , earning cheers from us including Kelly who was coming down the stairs.I watched as everyone congratulated him, kissing the newborn child's forehead. I stayed in the recliner, afraid that I would fall if I stood up.

I watched as Donnie emerged from the lab with joy in his features he ran toward Kelly. I watched the two of them as she whispered something to him.

"Hey you."

I looked up to see Leo standing next to me a smile on his face, he bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead. With a smile I looked up at him and grabbed his hand in mine.

"I love you, you know that right?"

I said with a happy grin, before he could answer me Kelly made a cough that got everyones attention. In the middle of the living room stood Donnie with his arm wrapped around Kelly.

"We have an announcement to add on to this joyous occasion."

Donnie said looking at everyone of us.

"We're  having another child."

Kelly said with excitement, earning whoops and hollers that were soon hushed by Raph.  While everyone was saying congrats, Mikey and Liz had made their to middle as well, causing everyone to raise a brow. Mikey threw his arm around her shoulders and spoke up with a smile.

"We're having a child too."

This earned more excitement and even I couldn't sit still on this one. Without thinking I jumped up and soon felt the effects of it.

My legs gave out causing me to fall forward, but before I hit the ground Leo caught me. He lifted me so that I was face to face with him, my feet off the ground. He smile to me as he whispered in my ear.

"We'll be the next ones my Love."

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