Chapter 12

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Isabelle's POV

With a yawn I quietly walked out Leo's door, my knee feeling much better now.  My bare feet padded against the floor as I went down the stairs, the whole lair was still silent all of the residents still asleep.

Klunk's sleeping form was laying on top of couch purring slightly in his sleep. As I walked around the corner of the couch I spotted a green arm hanging over the side of the couch. Wrapping my arms around myself to keep myself warm, I smiled down at Leo's sleeping form.

The couch looked small compared to his huge form. Even though I was still upset with him I couldn't help but notice how peaceful he look, and how much I loved him, but I wasn't ready to forgive yet.

"He seems much younger  when he's asleep doesn't he?"

I was startled out of my trance when Splinters voice spoke quietly behind me. I turned around to smile up at him slightly, he then motioned for me to follow him. I followed him into the dojo where the only light was coming from candles that were all over the room and the room smelt of Jasmine.

"Sensei what's going on here?"

I asked as he motioned for me to sit down on a mat in front of the tree that was surrounded by candles.

"Elizabeth told me about what happened last night and I believe it's time you know the story of Junko."

He said as he sat down across from me a wooden cup in his hands, he took a sipe of the liquid inside and held it out for me to take.

"What is this?"

I asked as I looked inside the wooden cup seeing what looked to be water.

"Something's are better seen for yourself than they can be explained."

He said motioning for me to take a drink, so I did what he wanted me to do. The liquid burnt as it made its way down my throat, suddenly the world around me became fuzzy as a feeling more powerful than sleep consume me. So instead of fighting it I let my eyelids shut and darkness take over.


As I let my eyes slowly open I knew something was different, the air smelt different and temperature seemed to increase. Looking around at my surroundings I defiantly knew I was no longer in New York.

I was sitting on what looked to be a dirt road, about a mile ahead was a small village, the houses looked like huts.

"Where am I?"

I asked out loud as if someone could hear me, what I didn't know was there was someone right next to me.

"You are in accent Japan."

I turned my head to see Splinter there smiling at me.

"How is this possible?"

I asked as he helped me to my feet.

"This is simply a vision child, you are not actually here."

He said as we both began to walk down the dirt road until the opening of the village came into view.

There at the front gate stood a beautiful Japanese woman. She seemed to be average height, with long black hair and warm brown eyes.  She was wearing a solid red kimono, around her waist was a weapon belt with a sword in the side, and around her neck was a gold amulet with an emerald stone in the middle.

"Is that Junko?"

I asked as I watched her help a small child who had fallen.

"Yes that is her. Junko means pure soul and that's what she was."

Splinter said as the scene change and suddenly we were on on a battle field. I watched as warriors battled against each other, blades hitting each other. I looked through the mess and spotted Junko carrying a wounded solider over her back while she was still fighting off the enemy.

"How old is she?"

I asked as the scene changed again and we were on the shore of a beach, her back to us so all that I could see was her back.

"She is  21 just like you. This is the point in her life where things start to become difficult."

Splinter said as I watched a tall man make his way over to her, he was light complected, dark brown hair. He was a foreigner and even though I couldn't see his face I felt like I knew him. I watched as the two of them embraced for a loving kiss, I turned my head up to look at Splinter.

The scene changed once more and now I saw Junko in battle with a a large Japanese man, to the side there was a black chest.

"What is going on?"

I asked as their battle became more drawn out.

"In that chest is a spirt called Hotaru. More like a demon, the demon of darkness and despair."

Splinter explained as we watched the two of them battle.

"What does this have to do with Junko?"

I asked looking up at Splinter, he looked down at me slightly.

"Only a pure soul can unlock the chest."

He said as the Japanese man knocked the blade out of the young woman's hand. Without thinking I tried to barge forward to help her but Splinter grabbed my arm pulling me back, I watched as Junko  sit up on her knees.

"Open the chest Junko."

The older man ordered holding his blade to her throat, the man I had seen earlier kissing Junko was now standing next to the Japanese man. He had her amulet in his hand, he walked over and slipped it over her head, earning a deadly scowl from her.

"You both will pay. Especially you Gideon you will have to live with what you've done until the curse is broken. You will live an eternity."

Junko said looking up at the foreigner with tears running down her cheeks, her heart broken into shreds.

"I'm asking you one last time, open the chest."

The taller Japanese man said with anger. I watched as Junko pulled out a small dagger from inside her kimono sleeve, and in a blink of an eye she stabbed the blade into her stomach. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as well, in instinct I bent over and held my stomach tight.

"I will never give in to you."

She said as she threw the bloody blade against the ground a smirk across her lips.

"You have just cursed yourself and me!"

The Japanese man yelled as Junko just chuckled her wound bleeding heavily, I watched as a strip of her hair turned white.

"My soul will live on in girls who are born with the pure souls and when she turns of this age she will have this symbol of who she is."

Junko said coughing slightly.

"And I will live to hunt for your spirt until the chest is open or the curse is broken."

He said picking up the chest and walking away as images faded away. I turned and looked up at Splinter who looked me and spoke but it didn't sound like him, it sounded like a females voice.

"The only way to break the curse is to do what made the curse."

With that everything faded into darkness.

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