Chapter 15

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There will be a lot of quotes from the 2007 movie. I do not own any of that part, that belongs to the creators of the movie itself.

Leo's POV

"Tell me another story uncle Weo."

Tyler said with a yawn as he held his little brown Teddy bear tight against his chest, his curly hair was a mess and his little brown eyes looked tired. The two of us were sitting in the dojo and we had been there since I had arrived 30 minutes ago.

Before I could answer him I saw Kelly walk into the entrance and smiled softly as she motioned at her watch.

"Not tonight buddy, you have to get some rest now."

I said earning a frown from him.

"Uncle Leo is right Tyler."

Kelly said as she walked over to us, bending down to pick the tired toddler up in her arms, ignoring his quite protesting.

I chuckled softly as I stood to my feet and followed them out into the living room where I saw Chanel propped up with Max and Klunk laying next to her on the couch watching tv, she turned her head slightly to look at me as Kelly disappeared up the stairs.

"Well it's good to know you and Isabelle made up."

She said with a smirk as he eyes landed on my neck, I chuckled slightly as a slight blush rose to my cheeks. I could even hear Donnie chuckling from the kitchen, before I could say anything to him, his T-phone began to ring.


I turned around to watch him as his face turned confused and worried.

"Slow down April. What happened to Raph?"

That caught my attention and also caught Chanel's who quickly tried to raise herself to her feet, she struggled for a moment before I rushed to her side to help her up, just as Donnie was about to hang up.

"We'll be right there."

Donnie hangs the phone up and looked at the two of us, he then begins to explain what April had just told him. Once he was done and once we had convinced Chanel that she couldn't go with us.

We gathered Mikey and our weapons before rushing over to April's apartment.


"Leo, you came back?"

April asked as I walked the window.


Casey said in a excited tone, leaning forward in his chair. Mikey walked around admiring the place before noticing Raph's unconscious form in the middle of the living room.

"Nice pad kids. Oh hey Raph."

Donnie and I quickly rushed to Raph's side, both of us checking to to make sure he was okay.

"His vitals seem normal."

Donnie said as he lifted Raph's eye lid, earning a grunt and swat from him as he rolled back over. I chuckled slightly before standing back up to look at Casey.

"What happened?"

Casey looked at us before pulling what looked to be a dart out of his pocket allowing us to see it. All of us looked at him slightly confused guessing that small device is what knocked Raph out.

"The Foot and some other group of ninjas were shooting these at us. They chased us for a little while asking us where 'Junko' is at."

All of us exchanged glances, recalling the similar events that had happen two weeks ago. April looked confused as She walked over to Casey grabbing the dart.

"Are you sure that's what they said?"

She ask as she examined the dart, her eyes growing wide. I raised a brow at her concerned as to what this has to do with Isabelle.

"April what do you know about 'Junko'?"

I asked. She shook her head as she sat down on the couch.

"The legend  of Junko. It's just an old story that people told their kids around a campfire, an urban legend ."

As she spoke I could tell she doubted what she was saying, Donnie stepped forward and grabbed the dart from her hand. He nodded his motioning for her to continue, before he headed over to the desk with the magnifying glass.

"Junko was a female warrior who was pure hearted, always thinking of others first. An evil warrior named Takeshi had gained access to a chest that held a demon that could destroy the world. Only Junko could open it."

She paused for a moment when Mikey spoke up.

"So what's this gotta do with what's going on now?"

Everyone shot him an annoyed look  causing him to sink down in his chair, I let out sigh and motioned for April to continue. She rolled her eyes before taking in a deep breath readying to continue.

"Junko fell in love with an foreigner at the young age of 20. A year late however he betrayed her, setting her up for a battle against Takeshi that she couldn't win. Some say that he even slipped the amulet around her neck that had to be worn in order to unlock the chest."

April looked as if she was about to cry as she paused for just a moment to regain her thoughts.

"Junko refused to open the chest, doing the only thing she could, she stabbed herself. Doing so she cursed herself and the two men. Junko's spirt was said to live on in the life's of girls for generations to come, some even say that on their 21st year a strip of their hair turns white signaling their pure soul."

Isabelle popped into my mind, her 21st birthday was in a month and strip of her hair turned white a few months back according to Donnie. The people who had attacked her had called her 'Junko' making me worry for her safety even more.

"What happened to the Takeshi and the foreigner?"

Raph said as he sat up trying to shake off the drowsiness the dart had caused him.

"They say Takeshi was cursed to live for eternity constantly trying to find the one who had gained Junko spirt. Her lover was cursed to live an eternity, to protect those who gained Junko's spirt in order to make up for his mistake." 

April looked at each of us, all of us exchanging glances. Our minds all debating on weather or not this story was just a legend. The ringing of a T-phone snapped everyone of us out of our daze, Raph sighed before pulling his phone out of his belt.

"Hello dear."

He said softly as he placed the phone to his ear, his face turned into a look of confusion and pain. He pulled the phone back slightly as if Chanel was yelling.

"Donnie, Chanel says that an alarm has been going off in your lab for 5 minutes now."

Donnie looked confused and raised a brow.

"I don't have an alarm in my lab, except for panic button in Isabelle's place."

As soon as he said that my heart dropped, that had to be what the alarm was. Before the others could stop me I rushed out the window, just hopping they would follow.

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