Chapter 9

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Isabelle's POV

With a sigh I walked through the front doors of Winters Corp, a coffee in my hands as it tired to wake myself up. I was already thirty minutes late and I was pretty sure the excuse of 'my turtle boyfriend just came home form a ninja training and me an him had a horrible fight,which lead to me not getting any sleep until it was time to wake up' wasn't a very good reason.

"Good morning Isabelle."

Charlotte at the front desk said as she looked over her computer at me.

"Good morning."

I said nodding my head at her softly. She smiled and stood up her short blonde hair styled neatly.

"I just sent two deliveries up to your desk."

She said catching me off guard.

"What kind of delivers?"

I asked raising a brow.

"You'll find out."

She with a wink as she back down her seat to answer her phone. I rolled my eyes as I walked inside the elevator, the soft music playing seemed to relax me as I waited for the metal door to open back up. My mind wondering back to how different Leonardo had looked last night, he looked down right handsome, just thinking about it right now made me blush.

The elevator doors opened a moment later revealing my desk, which had a vase of a dozen red roses. A smile spread across my face as I sat my coffee down next to the phone, gently I slipped the little white envelope form it's plastic holder seeing that it had my name written in cursive on the front.

Timidly I broke the seal knowing in my mind that these were not fromwho I wanted them to be from. With a sigh I read the with note that was written on the inside.

Thank you for last night, I had a wonderful time. I can't wait to see your beautiful face again and hopeful it will be soon.
Yours Truly, Matthew

"Well he's persistent I'll give him that."

I mumbled as I threw the card in trash while I rounded the corner of my desk, letting out a sigh as I slipped my pea coat off and sat down in my chair. I was agitated with Matthews note that it took me minute to realize that the second delivery was right in front of me.

I let out a gasp of surprise when I noticed it, a single blue rose with a blue ribbon tied around it, and a piece of paper attached to it. I was smiling from ear to ear when I picked it up, I opened the folded piece of paper and read it.

I was a jerk. I wish to make it up to you. Meet me on the roof at 11.


The December wind cut into my skin as I stood on top of roof of my building, I was wearing jeans and a hoodie and my blue mittens. With a sigh I looked down at my watch noticing that it was a 11:02 and if I knew Leonardo he was never late, even if he had been gone two years that was something about him that couldn't have changed.

That's when a bad feeling started to rise in my chest, just as I turned around ready to walk back inside, when I heard a thud.

Turning around I saw five foot soldiers surrounding me, then five more soldiers but they weren't foot. They had a different symbol on their arms, all their faces were covered as I tired to find a way out with out fighting,

"We have been searching for you Junko"

The leader said catching me off guard, calling me a Japanese name I hadn't heard before. It was only a second later before they attacked.

I was able to use what I had learned to fight them off, blocking every punch they threw at me. I was getting tired though and this caused me to loose focus, I didn't notice that one of the had snuck up behind me.

A hard shot to my knee caused me to let out a cry of pain, I stumbled forward a little bit. This left me open and venerable and open to a punch in the face, now I fell over onto the ground.

"What do you want?"

I asked once I had regained my thoughts. The leader acted like he was about say something, but before he could a flash of green and red knocked him over. I watched as Raph knocked out the rest of them before rushing over to me.

"Izzy are you okay?"

He asked as he helped me sit up.

"Where's your suit?"

I asked with a smirk causing him to chuckle slightly as he picked me up, reading to jump off the roof.

"I took it dry cleaners."

He joked.

"You still holding true to that promise you madero Leo?"

I asked as we landed on the pavement I wiggled my way out of his grip, so that I was standing and leaning against him my knee a little swollen.

"I always keep my promises, till the end."

He said as we walked towards the man hole cover.

Fearless Returns    ~Book Seven in the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now