Chapter 4

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Leo's POV

As the landing gear deployed I felt enticement and joy as I saw the city of New York in front of me, brightly lit and filled with vibrant life. I had realized how much much I had missed this city until I was watching it coming closer into view.

Taking a deep breath I jumped down and deploying my parcel so that I could glide over top of the Hudson River. I felt happiness as I let my hand brush across the water, before I dove full force into the water.


Now I was on the fire escape in front of Isabelle's window, her room was pitch black with no sign of her at all. With a hopeful feeling in my chest I gently pushed the window up, smiling to myself when the window opened easily.

I gently slid myself in and looked around the familiar room, I gently walked over to the light switch and flipped it on.

Her room looked exactly the same as when I left, the room smelt of sweet Jasmine. Her bed was made neatly as if she never slept in it, her dresser had nothing but a jewelry box and a picture frame with a photo of her and Max.

Just then a deep growl from the doorway caught my attention, turning around I saw the German Shepherded looking at me as if I was intruder.

"Max it's me Leo."

I said as I motioned for him to come to me, and as soon as he heard me he came bounding towards me. He caught me off guard when he jumped on me, knocking me back on my shell. I laughed as he licked my face in excitement, once I was able to get him to stop I turned my head slightly to see a box underneath Isabelle's bed.

Letting curiosity take over me I pulled the gray box out, on top of the box in very pretty hand writing it said Memories.

Taking the lid off I felt a mixture of emotions flood me. Inside the box was ever letter I had written her, every picture she had of me, and the ring I had given her for our 6 month anniversary.

It hurt to know that she shoved everything she that reminded her of me in a box and hide it under the bed.

April and Liz were right. I had been gone for to long.


Kelly's POV

Letting out a sigh of exhaustion I walked into to Donnie labs where he was making Christmas gifts for the family. Ever since the boys stopped patrolling the city Donnie was always finding ways to keep himself busy, but he was wearing himself out.

Between being an IT consultant, keeping his brothers together, and being a full time father he never caught a break.

"Hey babe."

I said with a soft smile as I wrapped my arms around his neck, sitting myself  down on his knee. In the past two years we've all aged but it looks like the Donnie had aged the most. His brown eyes had almost lost their spark, for a 22 year old he looked old.

"Hey Mrs. Hamato."

He paused for a moment to give me peck on the lips.

"Is the little one in bed?"

He asked as he slipped his glasses off before wrapping his strong arms around my tiny waist.

"Yes, me and Mikey finally convinced him to go to sleep."

I explained as I laid my forehead against his.

"Did he insist on Auntie Belle telling him a story?"

He asked with smile as he started to play with my hair.

"He always does. He's so stubborn, I don't know where he gets it from."

I said raising my brow at him. He chuckled as he  pulled me tighter.

"Oh Angel he defiantly gained that from you."

He said with a smirk and before I could protest he smashed his lips into mine, kissing me with such passion I  forgot what I was gonna say.

"Hey you two."

We broke apart to Liz's sleepy face looking at us, her long blonde hair tangled slightly, and her pajamas were all wrinkled. 

"I thought you were supposed to be asleep. Catching up  from jet lag."

I said with a half smile, standing myself up off his Donnie's knee.

"I was asleep until Mikey woke me up. He said Raph is back from checking on Izzy's date."

She explained before she yawned. I had very mixed emotions about this, heck we all did, but we had all decided that it was time for her to get out of her slump.

After all Leo's been gone for two years and Isabelle is still apart of this family and she deserves happiness.

"I want to know how this went."

Donnie said as he tossed his arm around my shoulders.

"Everyone does."

Liz said as the three of us walked out of the lab doors together.  What we saw was the most shocking thing we've seen in two years.

Standing in the living room was Mikey standing next to Chanel who had a hand on her very round stomach, both with looks of surprise.

Raph was standing off to side looking furious and his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes locked on the dojo door. Master Splinter was standing in front of the door, he was beaming with happiness that I haven't seen him have in a while.

Standing there amongst the mess of emotion and confusion stood a very familiar figure but yet a stranger almost to us, Splinter broke the silence.

"My family, Leonardo has returned to us."

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