Chapter 10

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Leo's POV

"Where is Raph?" I

asked as I picked up my katanas reading myself to go on patrol, Donnie was in Tyler's room putting him to sleep. Mikey was having some sort of conversation Liz in the kitchen area, Kelly and Chanel were both sitting in the living room watching some movie on the T.V.

"He went out to blow off some steam."

Chanel said as she turned her head back around to look at me.

"Why haven't you gone to see Izzy again?"

Kelly asked as she stood up grabbing Chanel's cup. I let out sigh as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I'm trying to give her time to cool off. I'm going to see her tomorrow."

  I said causing her to roll her eyes at me.

"Whatever you say fearless."

Chanel said as she rubbed her hand across her stomach. I huffed out a breath of impatience  as I leaned myself against the wall. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards the opening of the lair, turning my head slightly I saw who I expected it to be, Raph.

What I didn't expect was for him to have Isabelle leaning against him as she limped her way inside.

"Isabelle? What happened?" 

I asked as I franticly rushed to her other side trying to help her, she just groaned slightly and pushed me away.

"She got jumped but some Foot thugs."

Raph said as he sat her down on the couch, Liz who had heard the commotion had rushed over the kitchen area. Isabelle moved some hair out of her face to reveal a slight bruise forming on her jaw.

"They weren't all Foot."

She muttered as Liz felt her knee, she turned her head to look at Kelly who was now standing next me.

"Kelly grab a pair of your shorts and get Donnie. Leo carry Isabelle to the lab."

She said looking up at me. Kelly disappeared up the stairs as my eyes locked with Isabelle's, she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I can walk."

She said as she tried to stand on her own losing her balance slightly, before she could fall I wrapped an arm around her waist, and in a swift movement had her in my arms. She squirmed for a moment but I soon felt her relax into my plastron, her arms still crossed as I leaned my face closer to her ear.

"But you don't have to Love."

I smirked slightly as her cheeks turned red before we entered the lab.


"Alright it looks like your knee is just severely bruised.  Just stay off for the rest of the night and you should be okay."

Donnie said as he finished wrapping Isabelle's knee in an ace bandage. Liz handed her a frozen bag of corn that Mikey had brought her.

"Hold this on your jaw and it shouldn't bruise that badly."

She smiled. Isabelle held the frozen vegetables to sore jaw avoiding eye contact with me.

"So dudette why were you on your roof this late at night?"

Mikey asked as took a bite out of his pizza. I was leaning against the door frame waiting for her to answer. When she turned her head sharply and glared her sapphire eyes at me.

"Because Leonardo was supposed to meet me there."

She said with a little bit venom in her voice, this caught me off guard, I had no idea what she was talking about.

"What are you talking about?"

I asked as I pushed myself off the door frame. Her look turned into confusion as she placed the bag of corn down on the lab table.

"You mean to tell me you didn't send me that rose this morning?" 

She asked causing me to become panic filled.

"No I didn't send you anything this morning."

I said looking at my brothers who now looked just as worried as I did.

"Izzy was there anything attached to the rose?"

Raph asked before I could. She reached inside her hoodie pocket pulling out a folded up piece of paper. Walking over to her ready to grab it but before I could Donnie grabbed it and read it silently to himself before reading it out loud.

" 'Love, I was a jerk. I wish to make it up to you. Meet me on the roof at 11. Leo.' Well who ever sent this knows at least a little bit about the two of you."

He said as he tossed the paper on his desk.

"Was that the only thing delivered to you?"

I asked, she looked away from me.

"No. Matthew also sent me a dozen roses."

She answered quietly, this news just caused my blood to boil. Although I knew it was just petty but I felt the jealously rise up inside of me.

"Anyways. You said some of the people who attacked you were not Foot."

Kelly asked trying to break the tension that had rose. Isabelle simply nodded her head and looked at Raph hoping he would explain.

"Some of them had a blue cloth around their arms. With a symbol on it that looked like an amulet or something."

Raph explained. Liz stood up out of Mikey's lap, look of surprise spread across her face, she quickly rushed over to Isabelle.

"Did they call you something?"

She asked catching everyone off guard.

"Yes they called me Junko."

Isabelle said causing my Liz to lose color in her face, and before we could ask her anything she rush out of the lab doors.

The rest of us exchanged looks without saying anything, Chanel who had been quite the whole time stood up with the help of Raph.

"Since tomorrow is Saturday you should stay here tonight Isabelle."

She suggested as she rested her head against Raph's shoulder.


Isabelle said as she placed her bare feet on the floor standing herself up using the table to steady herself. Quickly I rushed over to her placing my hand on her elbow catching her off guard, everyone else had already left the room by now.

"You can sleep in my room."

I said as I moved a piece of hair out of her face. Her eyes locked with mine and I could still tell that she was angry.

"I'll sleep on the couch."

She said as she tried to pull away from me but I gently pulled her into me holding her tight into my plastron.

"I'm not going to let you, you deserve better than that."

Fearless Returns    ~Book Seven in the Color Series~Where stories live. Discover now