Chapter 16

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Isabelle's POV

As I opened my eyes the event that occurred earlier this evening replayed in my head, which was throbbing from the impact of the counter. It took my eyes a moment to readjust to room since it was so bright, but after a moment I realized that I was still in my apartment.

Although I wasn't in the living room anymore, I was now in my bedroom, on my bed with my hands tied together tightly in front of me.

"It's about time you came to."

The deep voice startled me as I looked around for the source, my eyes finally landing on the tanned skin boy who sat in the chair across from the bed. To my surprise he didn't have a shirt on just his jeans.

His cold brown eyes bore into making a shiver pass down my spin. Quickly I looked down at myself and sighed when I saw that I had all my clothes on.

"Matthew just let me go."

I tried to pled with him. He stood up from the chair slowly making his way over to me, chuckling slightly as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"I can't do that, we haven't had any fun yet."

He said as he reached out to touch me, my reflexes kicked in though and before I could stop I jerked back, bringing my foot up kicking him the chest. The impact caused him to fall off the bed and caused my roll onto my back.

Quickly I rolled myself until my feet landed onto the soft carpet, it was slightly difficult to steady myself with my hands tied in front of me. Before I could move Matthew was standing in front of me.

"I'm not going down without fight."

I said with as much anger as I could master, the look on his face seem to be pure enjoyment. Not seeing any other option I quickly tired to run past him, only to have him grab me by the waist and throw me to the ground.

The impact knocked the air out of my lungs leaving me momentarily shocked, giving Matthew the opportunity to climb on top of me.

"I like it when you play hard to get."

He smirked down at me as his hips startled mine, rendering me unable to move. I tried to use my hands to push him off of me  but due to the fact they were tied together tightly, it really did me no good. He simply chuckle and used one of his hands to force my arms above my head.

"Matthew please just stop this."

I tried pleading with him, but his brown eyes turned cold with desire. He slowly started to lower his head so that his mouth was close to my ear, his warm breath sent a shiver of fear through my spine as I realized what was about to happen to me.

"You have three seconds to get off of her."

Mathew froze as I felt relief spread though my chest, he let go of my hands and turned to see my hero. He moved just enough for me to be able to see Leo standing in the door way, his eyes were white with rage, his hands clenched at his side.

Matthew chuckled as he stood up, grabbing my arm and forcefully jerking me to my feet. He slung hid arm around my neck as he pulled my head close to him so he could place his lips on my temple. I tired to jerk away from me but he held me tightly.

"Sorry Leonardo, were simply having a little fun."

Matthew smirked but Leo's face stayed like stone as he stepped closer. Once he was out of the doorway I spotted three sets of white eyes and three familiar colors. I felt Matthew tense up as the others stepped out into he light showing themselves.

"Let her go."

The amount of anger in Leo's voice scared me even though he wasn't directing towards me.  Matthew let go of me and took a few steps away from me.

"Maybe next time Isabelle."

Before anyone could react Matthew threw down a few smoke pellets filling the room with smoke. When the room cleared and everyone could see again Matthew was gone.

Leo rushed over to me in an instant slipping a dagger out of his elbow pad and slicing at the fabric off of my wrists. He quickly wrapped me into a tight hug, I melting into the embrace feeling happiness.

"We need to go after him."

Raph barked as he rushed to the window, Leo sighed before he pulled away slightly leaving me to stand there and watch on.

"We can't Raph. Let's just go back to the lair."

Leo stated plainly.

"We can't just sit back and do nothing."

Raph stepped closer to Leo anger clear in his face and voice.

"We're not going anywhere until we get Splinters blessing."

Leo's voice was beginning to show his anger.

"You're gonna stand here and quote a rule book to me that you ain't been following for a year?!"

Now Raph was simply screaming as he pointed his finger into Leo's chest, Leo swatted it away quickly.

"If you have something you want to get off your shell now's the time, but I'm not going to sit here and debate Splinters direct orders with you."

I knew that they both hadn't really been getting along but I hadn't realized that they had gotten to this point. I couldn't make myself say or do anything as I tried to comprehend everything that had happen.

"Fine then. I quit."

I felt my heart drop in my chest as Raph slipped through the window and disappeared into the night. Leo sighed and dropped his head, I had been so caught up in watching the fight that I hadn't noticed Mikey and Donnie now standing next to me. Leo lifted his head to look at three of us before his eyes landed on the window.

"Go Leo."

I said softly earning a soft nod from him before he too disappeared out the window. My eyes stayed locked on the spot where he had just been, I jumped slightly when I felt Donnie put his hand on my shoulder.

"Let's get back to the lair so you can rest."

He said softly earning a sigh from me, I just hoped that my love and my best friend would both be okay.

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