Chapter 13

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Your POV
"Yo takemichi" I yelled waving to him and Hina down the hall of our school. I walked up to them "Where are you guys off to?" I asked them "Takemichi was just walking me to my last class" Hina smiled brightly "Awe that's sweet" I smiled "If you went to the same school as the others Mikey definitely would've done the same with you" I nodded with a sad smile.

I didn't go to the same school as Mikey and Draken since I was older and the school they went to didn't go up to a high school level "It's ok, I mean I'm not alone" I said and as if right on cue I felt a huge weight jump on my back and a laugh all to familiar "Guess who" I laughed "Your like three of me get off" I said through my laugh.

He jumped off and walked next to me throwing his arm over my shoulder "You guys know Kazutora right? He just started a few days ago." I asked "No but it's nice to meet you-" Hina was interrupted by the first bell that tells you that we have 5 minutes till class "Seems like we gotta go see you guys" "Bye" Takemichi said as they walked off.

I smiled and waved "I need to talk to you" I said looking over and up at Kazutora "About?" He asked as we headed towards class "We can talk later" I said "Or we can talk now" he smiled brightly as he turned us around heading to the entrance "No I can't skip with you, your gonna get me in trouble" "With who?" He asked. I laughed "Bro stop your gonna get in trouble with your mom" I said "Mom isn't gonna find out" he said as we left out the school.

I laughed rolling my eyes "So what do you want to talk about?" He asked "Oh yes um last night something bad happened and I lost a friend. His name is Baji and I wanted to know what's going on between you two?" I asked him. He nodded "Oh that's what this is about. So you were the one exploding his phone last night then?" He asked.

I nodded awkwardly "Well to answer your question Baji and I are childhood friends. He came to me yesterday because he left Toman so he can be in Valhalla with me" he said "Your in Valhalla?" "That's what I said. It's a long story that I don't wanna get into but to answer your question that's what's happening right now. As for getting him back,we both know that ain't happening" Kazutora explained.

I sighed "Your right" I mumbled "So then you must be his girlfriend" "No,no"! I quickly answered as we turned the corner "So you don't have a boyfriend?" He asked with a smile "No, I mean yes but it's not Baji" I explained. Kazutora laughed at my jumbling of words "Ok then if it isn't Baji it has to be someone 10x's worst considering you liked him at all" he told me.

"He is not ok my boyfriend is a nice guy, for the most part but, that's besides the point"he laughed again "I really like you Y/N, you manage to make me laugh with the simplest things. I really like that" he smiled leaning in closer to me. I smiled back at him lightly "Y/N!" My head shot up to an angry looking face "M-Mikey" I stuttered as he rushed toward me.

He snatched my arm pulling me away from Kazutora "What are you doing" I asked him furrowing my brows "Shut up" he said strongly. I looked back at Kazutora who was still smiling at me and waving. I yanked my arm away "What the hell is your problem?" I asked him rubbing my aching wrist "You need to calm down what's wrong?" I asked him again. Mikey didn't say anything just stayed facing forward "Mikey" I said loudly.

"I'm sorry" he said making me sigh "It's ok just," I looked down at Mikey's hand. It was shaking, I grabbed his hand "It's ok come on" I started walking towards his house bringing him with me. I didn't say anything considering he was having a hard time 'what's going on with him' I thought.

It didn't take long to get to his home. We entered his room but he still wasn't saying anything "Mikey, your fine, you didn't hurt me bad or anything ok so can you talk to me?" I asked again but he still didn't say anything. I sighed rubbing my face with my free hand "We don't have to talk. Is that what you want?" I asked him. He still didn't say anything but it looked like he opened his mouth to speak.

I pulled him in hugging him lovingly. He hugged me back tightly "I don't want to talk about it right now" he said softly "That's fine, you don't need to feel pressured to talk to me about your past or your feelings since I know you don't like to and I'm sorry I pressured you at all" I told him.

"Just, stay away from, him" the way he pushed out the word him was so ruthless and full of hate it was almost scary "Y/N" he said "Yes" "Tell me you won't talk to him" he told me pulling away "I mean he's in my classes and Kazutora is my friend-" "Friend? Kazutora is no ones friend. He's evil and messed up in the head" he told me sternly "Have you ever took the time to think why he's that way?" I asked him furrowing my brows.

"What?" "Kazutora is a good person as far as I've seen and until proven wrong I'm not gonna stop-" "He killed my brother!" He yelled taking me aback by a lot "Huh?" I mumbled "Yea the guy you suddenly love so much is a murderer. But I guess that doesn't matter since you refuse to listen to me because you want friends so bad" he ranted.

I gulped looking away "I dont just tell you to stay away from people because I don't want you to have friends I do it to protect you,but you always just wanna do what you wanna do without taking the reason I do the things I do into consideration" he ranted "Mikey I'm-" "Just be quiet I don't wanna talk about it anymore. You don't have to stay away from Kazutora but I want you to know he's the reason Baji left" he interrupted "I-I know but think about it. If Baji is friends with him-" "It only further proves the whole point I'm making" he interrupted again.

I sniffled lightly as my vision of the floor became blurry "I-" I quickly shut myself up to not further upset Mikey considering how upset he was with me. I wiped my eyes as the tears really started to fall "Y/N" I looked up at "Y/N" he said again softer this time "I'm fine I don't even know why I'm crying" I wiped my face again but Mikey grabbed my hand.

"I didn't mean to scare you" he said hugging me "You didn't like I said I don't know why I'm crying" I said weakly. It's true though, I had an idea or two but I didn't know why I was so upset. Was it guilt or embarrassment? "I'm sorry Y/N, I'm really trying to protect you but I'm the main person hurting you" he whispered.

I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my face into his neck crying as he rubbed my back trying to calm me down.
Y'all miss Baji? (Also sorry for this ridiculous early upload I had to come into work at 6am today and tomorrow 😭) Also y'all want some Timeskip Mikey and Y/N action?

𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙥 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜-Baji x Reader x MikeyWhere stories live. Discover now