Chapter sixty-one. Calm. 61

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I wake up, hearing the shower run.
My eyes blink open to watch raindrops make their way down on the window.

It's warm.
And calm.

The water shuts off, revealing the sound of Daniels calm music.
I can't help but snuggle into the blankets a little more.

I had stayed up late with Daniel, talking about everything that went through my mind.
Talk things dead.

It's something I learned to do not to long ago.
Talk till there's nothing to talk about anymore.
Talk about all the thoughts in your head till it's empty.
Talk problems or situations dead.

And right now, after all the chaos, there's nothing for me to worry about.
Nothing to overthink.

I'll start new, because I can.
That's what Daniel told me.

Daniel sounds as chirpy as he always does.
I hum in response, seeping in the calmness I feel.

He comes to a seat on the bed and lays his hand on my arm, pressing the soft sheets down on my skin. I give him a smile, and he smiles back.

'Did you sleep well?' He asks.
I nod, tired of hearing my own voice for a little.
Daniel smiles and moves his hand back, looking out the window.

'I don't think the race will be good.'
He seems bummed out by the rain.

I move my hand from under the sheets and pat his arm.
'Just be careful. We'll see how it goes.' I say softly.
He looks back at me and smiles.

My phone buzzes, and the name Lando has in my contacts appears, asking if I'm awake yet. Not feeling like getting out from under the sheets yet, I ignore it till I'm getting up.

'I like sharing a room with you, it's so calm.'
Daniel chuckles as he moves one leg onto the bed.
'It is nice.' He agrees.

'You know, my place isn't far from Zandvoort, you and Micheal can stay over if you guys want. Come to the Netherlands a little early.'

Daniel smiles brightly.
'I'll ask. Sounds good to me.'

I finally get up, the room warm.

I can't help but hum when I stretch.
'You should text Lando. He's asking me to wake you up.'
I turn to Daniel at his words before grabbing my phone.
I run a hand through my messy hair as I unlock it.

The reply is short but clear.

I get into the bathroom and wash up before picking out an outfit.

I get into the bathroom and wash up before picking out an outfit

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'Warm and cozy. Now go. I bet they're waiting.'
Daniel hands me my Denim jacket before opening the door for me.
We walk down the hallway and to the elevator, both heading down for breakfast.

When we step out we part ways.
A couple of steps further I'm met with Lando and Jon.
I take a deep breath. A new start. We can do that if we want.

Lando smiles as I walk up.
'Good morning.' He says.

I hug him, getting a reaction from him a moment later.
He carefully pulls me closer and holds me to him tightly.

And cozy.

'Everything okay?'
The question is asked carefully.

'I want to start over.'

My words come out as a whisper.
The intention of Only him hearing it.

'Lets try again if that's what you want.'

My words make Lando exhale deeply.
'Of course I do. That's all I want.'

I smile and pull back a little.
Tired by working to much, and staying up late with Daniel.
Tired of taking and guessing what comes next.

Lets give this a try.
Lets start over.

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