Chapter ninety. Surprise. 90

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The Turkish Grand Prix.

Lando and Daniel didn't seem to have the pace.
The insecurity in Lando after Sochi was no surprise.

I'm packing my suitcase, having gotten a text from Max Fewtrell asking if I could come over early, so I'd be home before Lando arrives.

The total of the flight takes 45 minutes and I'm in the airport in London.
'Amelia?' I turn to a dark haired man, slightly recognizing him from a picture.
'Yes. Max, right?' I ask. 'The one and only.' He says as we shake hands.

He drives us back to Lando's place.
'How was the flight?' He asks when he pulls out of the parking space.
'Short and cheep, but good.' I say with a smile.

'That's good to hear. Do you want to stop for food or anything, Lando will be back late.'
I take Max up on the offer and we stop at a simple Italian restaurant. The place is cozy and when you step inside you can already smell the foods.

We take a seat next to one another and order drinks.
'So you drive in F2?' I ask. Max nods 'yeah. It's pretty great.'
I chuckle 'must be.'

'And you're a nurse? Or did Lando explain that to plainly.'
I laugh a little 'no, no I am. I've been thinking about specifying in some area, but I can't seem to make the final decision.'

He puts the glass down after having taken a sip and turns to look at me. 'What are you thinking of?' He asks. 'Well emergency nurse sounds interesting. And I've always wanted to be military nurse while growing up, but that seems a little far fetched.'

'Both are interesting. Military nurse is just a whole 'nother level.'
I chuckle at his words. 'I know... but just being a post op nurse is getting boring.'

'I get it.'

When we arrive at the right house, I look up at the building. It's hard to see what it looking like because it's dark, but it's big. When through the gate my eyes land on a McLaren. 'He owns one?' I ask as Max parks the car. 'No He borrow, if he were to stop driving for McLaren he has to give it back.' i chuckle 'harsh.'

I can't help but laugh a little when we step inside.
The entrance hall is messy as can be. Packed with clothes and suitcases from previous race weekends. 'My god.' I say as I look around. 'Yeah sorry bout that. Could have warned you.'

'It's okay.'
'Let me show you your room then, you can explore the rest of the house after. Lando will be here in around....' he checks his phone 'twenty minutes.'

I nod and follow him up the stairs. 'One room is used as office. I'm staying in here. This is the bathroom, and this is Lando's room.' He stops at the last door. Lando's room. 'He said he would set up a extra bed in the old office so you can sleep there, so I'll take out the old computer's and stuff so you can make it your own. You can put your stuff down in Lando's room for now.' I open the door and step into the neater room of the house.
There's a painting of his car on the wall, the bed is made neatly, and there are few to no clothes laying around on the ground. One family picture stands on the night stand on the left side of the bed.

I walk over and pick it up.
It seems to be from a while back but it's very cute.
Everyone seems so happy.

After what seems like only a minute, max comes running up the stairs.
'Lando is here.'

I follow him down the stairs 'you open the door for him.'
Right when he says it I hear keys jingle outside the door, so I quickly run over and open the door. Lando has his hand in place, key ready to unlock the door. 'Funny Max.' He says before looking up. His jaw drops 'Amelia? Wha.... what? How are you here already? H-how....' his smile grows as he tries to ask multiple questions at once.

He drops his bag, tipping over his suitcase by accident, and hugs me.
I hug him back as he chuckles 'surprise.' I say with a smile.
'You're here early.' He says softly.

He pulls back and holds my waist while looking at me.
'You're in my house.' His smile is as bright as ever.

'I am. On invite of your friend.'
I turn to look behind us to see max smiling and leaning against the doorway.
'We only just got back.' Max says. Lando Lets out a laugh to go and hug Max.

'Hey man.' They pat each other on the back. 'Hey.'
After that Lando turns back around to look at me again.
'Maybe we should get your things inside'

It's been three weeks since we last saw one another.
It somehow feel longer and shorter at the same time.

Once everything's inside, Lando closes the door and locks it.
'I'll warm up your dinner.' Max says as he leaves the hall.

Once he's out of view, I turn back to Lando, but get surprised by being picked up and swirled around. 'You don't know how happy I am to see you.' He says as he sets me down. I giggle and let him wrap me in another hug.

'I'm happy you're happy.'

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