Chapter thrity-eight. Attention. 38

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The evening goes on by me being quiet, listening to other stories that get told.
And I get away with it until Lance addresses me from a couple of seats away.
The silence and attention that it pulls is embarrassing.

'Hey Amelia, your boyfriend must not like your new job.'

My eyes land on him. 'Ahw poor guy.' George says.
'Oh, no I don't have a boyfriend.' I say quickly.
'Why not, a woman like you should.' Lance says.

'A woman like her? Sounds a little rude.' Charles says to defend me.
'Oh it's alright. Just don't really have the time for it.'
The table is now quiet, everyone looking my way.
I shrug. 'And not interested.' I say before putting a berry in my mouth.

'I heard that you got some family issues, that that's why.'
My eyes snap up, heart skipping a beat.

This is the last thing I need to be reminded of tonight.
'People hear a lot.' I say as I fidget with my fingers Under the table.
Lance's eyes narrow.

'Just back off Lance. Stop prying into her life.' Kelly says.
'It's fine, apparently his life is too boring, otherwise he wouldn't be so interested in mine.'
My comment makes a couple of people chuckle, getting the old flow of conversation back.

A soft tap on my hand makes me look down at my hands.
Lando's hand is close to mine, but not touching me.
'You okay?' He asks. I look at him, letting out a breath when our eyes meet.
'Yeah.' I breath. 'You sure?' Daniel chimes in from the other side. 'Yes, guys, I'm fine.'

I chuckle at the concern of both men.
'Now back off and eat your dinner.'

Minutes pass before Lando leans a little closer.
'Who's driving you tonight?'
I point across the table to Pierre before taking a bite of my pasta.
'Let me drive you back.'

'I don't think that's a good idea.'
He frowns at my answer.
'Oh- alright...'

I sigh at his sad reaction as he moves back.
Daniel pats my arm and gives me a comforting smile.
I smile back. 'Amelia did you taste this wine?'

Charlotte gets my attention from across the table. She's seated across from Lando and next to Pierre and Charles. 'Wine?' I ask. She nods and holds up her glass. 'No I didn't, is it any good?' I take the glass from her and smell the white wine. 'It is. Taste it.' She says as I watch Charles take a sip of his glass next to her. I take a sip and give a nod in approval 'not bad, but I don't really like wine.' I say.

I hand the glass back over to Charlotte before A Jack Daniels bottle gets put down in front of me by George.
I chuckle at his move 'bet that's more to your liking.' He says. 'Ah why thank you.'
Pierre takes the bottle and pours for both me and himself.

The rest of the dinner is nice and calm.
It's warm and the flow of conversation around me is nice.

I stand up and head to the bathroom.
I cool my hands under the water and take a deep breath, straightening my clothes.
Kelly pops in as well. 'Hey.' She says. 'Hey.'

'I'm Kelly.'
'Nice to meet you. I'm Amelia.'
She smiles at me through the mirror as she straightens her necklace.
'Don't pay any attention to Lance.' She says. 'Oh, I'm not.'
'Good. I think I can like you.'

I chuckle at her as I run a hand through my hair.
'Oh yeah?' She hums as she redoes her lipstick.

'That's good, I guess.'
She chuckles 'Sure is.'

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