•Chapter 1 Senpai~•

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I wake up for another boring day at school, summer ended and I really want to stay home but despite wanting to stay home I get dressed and get breakfast and get on my bus. My life has always been dull but now since I'm starting my freshman year in college I have been dreading the day I have to graduate because what is there to do? I walk into school and put everything away and start walking to the first period. It's math. Math is a subject that you either love or hate in my case I hate it! It's one of my most hated subjects but I know I have to take it if I want to move up a grade. I have to attend math, I mostly would skip math but it's college now. I need to do my work if I want to go up a grade and not redo the grade. I sit down in math and the class starts.

After math

Finally math is over I start to walk to my locker and put away everything and get ready for free period I have it right after math. It's like XD looked down and helped me with my suffering as I walk to the classroom where the period is held. As I turn the corner I bump into someone and fall back and I hear books slam on the ground from the other person I hit my head on the open door behind me I grab my head in pain while the other person gets up quickly and repeats

"Sorry sorry sorry im so sorry I wasn't looking im sorry"

"Its ok it's not your fault I wasn't looking either its ok"

I lift my head up, my hand is covering his face he reaches out his hand I remove my hand to grab his hand he pulls me up. My vision is still a bit blurry as I stumble to my feet I thank him

"Thank you so-"

I finally see his face and it's like XD is really favoring me today cause he looks like who I have been imagining who i'd be with in the future as I look at him in awh I space out and just imagining our future even more

"Uh hello earth to freshmen?"

"O-oh i'm s-sorry"

"Oh it's ok people normally don't expect a voice like this come out of me" he chuckles

My face starts to turn red as he laughs a little more with me following

"Anyways my name is george whats yours?" he asks while calming himself down

George was a beautiful name I don't know if it was just because he is what I thought my future husband would look like but I knew I was in love although I've never been in love before but something about him just had something sparked in me


"Oh yeah my names d-dream, sorry I spaced out"

"Well hello d-dream" he chuckles "sorry could help myself" he says while calming down again


"Shoot that's the late bell when do you have lunch?!" he asks quickly

"Uhh 5th period"

"Great! Me too, see you then!!"

"Yeah see you there" I say as he runs off to the room where I hit my head on the door, I just watch him go into his classroom dumb founded I walk over to my class where I just sit there wanting for fifth period to roll over faster. 3rd period is ELA I listen to the teacher as much as I can but I trail of into my own little world with george.

"Dream. Dream? DREAM!" My teacher asks for me repeatedly

I snap back into the real world in my ela class

"Y-yea sorry Mrs. Puffy"

"Dream you need to pay attention to class. It was bad enough that you were late. Do you really want me to embarrass you in front of everyone?"

Yandere Dream x George |Dnf|Where stories live. Discover now