|Chapter 7| a way out?

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Geroge Pov

Once as dream closed the door I went to grab the food he has given me which was eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, and one piece sausage. The usual for breakfast now a days, but I don't have anything else to eat so I have to just eat whatever he gives me. I finished eating the food and grabbed the fork and went over to a corner, this corner is a place I have been picking at to where I know where it is but he doesn't so whenever I can squirm out here I can't stay here, I don't know how much longer I can stand being here. I've read a lot about little fiction story's of lovesick girls/boys falling for a boy/girl and killing people over them just to date then, to me they were a cool idea for a nice story for some people to enjoy, I didn't actually think something like this would happen I real life, especially to me with a person like him, but I can't do anything about now except pick the wall hoping for it to crumble into a big enough hole for me to barely fit In, I didn't care I just wanted, no, needed to get out of here. After a bit of breaking at the wall I heard faint footsteps, I basically leaped back into my bed my heart racing as I pretended to finish up my food, just then dream opened the door to see me placing my fork down on my plate which rest in lap.

"I see your done?"

"Y-yea I guess so" dream then walks over to me grabs my plate, and takes a bit to leave. All while I watch him trying to calm my heart-rate down because I knew he figured out something wasn't right, nonetheless he walked out if my room. When he finally did I let out a breath to calm myself even more, noticing that I don't have anything else to do I tried to fall asleep.

Dream POV

Geroge is not himself today I don't know what it is but somethings off, when he goes to sleep in a bit I'm gonna have to check his room their is defiantly something he's hiding and now that we are a couple! Forced that is. He can't hide anything from me we both need to be trusted by each other and since he's hiding whatever he is, that's not something making me trust him.

A couple hours later

It's been a bit since I started looking in his room and nothing, I have literally fliped the whole room upside down and I can't find anything, I guess I was wrong, I wasn't the one who was trusting him I walk out of the room not noticing the the slight breeze coming within the room. I close the door closely beside me locking in the process, I am relived that he isn't hiding anything from me. I prance on over to to my room with dozen of belongs of Geroges and pictures of him. I go to my computer to find a email for an unknown person I open it as it reads.

Congratulations on "your prize"

Thank you? Who is this?


Oh ok well thanks why didn't you just text me?

I lost your number somehow and I forgot it but I don't seem to need it anymore

Ig so yea

If you ever need me again email me don't not email again after this one only email if you truly need my help
I left it at that a can't help but let out a little laugh, I have got what I needed from them I won't be needed their services anymore. I look at the time and it shows 6:47p.m. goodness how long has this conversation been going on? It was 5:09 when we started talking, anyway I start cooking dinner for me and Geroge.

Again repeat after me "cooking is not fun to write" alright back to the story

I'm finishing up dinner and a hear faint scraping against a wall I didn't think much off it and went to go give food to Geroge, again when I went inside something was off with him, either way I still gave him his food, I brush his hair out of his eyes his blue and brown eyes glaze back at me. I peck at his forehead and went back outside of the room my face as red as a tomato, I went to go to the table to eat, when again I heard faint scraping but a bit louder and more constant rate. I quickly finish up my food but when I did it stopped, but the next I hear that noise I'd rush to its whereabouts immediately, but for now I'll just have to wait. I go to collect George's plate from him this time it seems "normal" Well as normal as it can get, I grab his plate, give him a soft and loving smile, then walked out, making sure to lock while on my way out.

Sorry for taking do long I just had a short little writers block so yea lol.

Yandere Dream x George |Dnf|Where stories live. Discover now