|Chapter 4| rest at last?

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That girl that L was talking about barely even went to school this week! Luckily on Thursday she was finally here. I had to act quickly today because even L didn’t know much about her, since she's hardly even at school, plus this is the first time I've ever heard about her, but that’s not going to stop what's happening. Since she never comes to school everyone would think she just didn’t come to school again. I followed far behind her and watched her every move until the end of the day. She went into the library and sat down in front of a bookshelf no one else was there so I walked in so she didn’t notice me swiftly I pushed down the bookcase and went to check the damage it did she lied there not moving, she looked like she was in pain but also looked like she was sleeping, I checked her pulse and nothing happened, with a satisfied feeling I placed in a garbage bag and went to throw her body in a trash can luckily the trash was going out soon so no one would have the chance to see what the horrid smell was. 

This went on for weeks, rivals turning up dead, missing, befriend dream or with someone else. Also with dream and Geroge getting closer together or so what dream thought…

Okay today's the day no one else is in the way now I thought to myself in front of Geroge's locker with a pink letter in hand, I slipped the note in his locker and rushed to the cherry tree beside the school and hid behind the tree hands on my burning red face. After awhile it hit the time I asked him to meet me I didn't think much of it because he probably hasn't got to his locker yet, just then I heard footsteps in the grass behind me and the tree, I step out from beside it and locked eyes with Geroge he looked confused at first but then he gave me a look to tell me that he'll listen to what I have to say but no matter what happens today it'll all go well

"H-Hey George so I have uhm had these uh feelings for you f-for a long time now and I uh wanted to see if you maybe wanted to go out some time?"

"What? Dream I- I'm sorry I just don't feel the same way it's just you know I'm not ready for something like that right now but maybe later in the year perhaps?"

My face turns red out of anger and embarrassment while Geroge gives me a sorry yet awkward look. I didn't want to resort to this but if that's what it has to come to then I guess I have no choice I walk to the back of the tree with the wind blowing as it was warning me not to do it

"George I gave you an option" I say with no emotion whatsoever

H-huh dream you ok?" Geroge looks down at his feet. "I'm really sorry though I just don't feel that way towards yo-" his sentence was cut off to a sharp pain in his neck we yelps in pain

"I didn't want to resort to this Geroge but you left me no other choice~" I say hold back laughter soon he looks weak as he collapses in my arms I can feel my adrenaline kicks in as my heart beats faster than it has ever before everything that happened after was a blur of pure excitement and before I knew it I was in my house walking up the stairs from my basement.

Sorry for the short chapter :( but I promise that next chapter will be longer (I hope lol)

Yandere Dream x George |Dnf|Where stories live. Discover now