|Chapter 10| a "happy" ending

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So this chapter will be the longest one since it's the last one so enjoy a very long chapter to end of this book!! :]

POV Dream

I sit there confused. Why did that remove his memory, it was just supposed to make him feel happy, but beggers can't be choosers and I'm not complaining. Since he doesn't remember anything, this will be easier to make him love me. I just have to convince him that we were the best couple ever before he forgot everything, but I don't think it'll be that hard.


"O-oh yeah sorry." I hesitately untied his ropes, he stands up and looks around like a naive child. Does he not remember anything? No, no he has to remember something, atleast his name...right?

"Do you know where I am, or what I am.." He twidles with his fingers shyly.

"Uhm I'm house...?" He looks at me to continue. "Uhm..and your name is Geroge." He nods his head, and walks around the room to look around. I watch his every move. He seems fine. Well as fine as this gets.

"Why am I in this, thing."

"Uh don't you remember? You came down here on your own.." I obviously lied, but he seemed to belive it.

"Oh ok....could we go upstairs..?"  I backed away slowly.

"U-uh I guess..?" I go over and hold his hand so he can't run away as easily. I lead him upstairs, take a deep breath, and open the door. He seemed to just look around, like a kid going to a grocery store for thr first time. We walk through out my whole house. Everything seems normal, and not like he'll try to escape, I think that everything's going to go my way! We finished the 'tour', he seemed like he wasn't trying to do anything suspicious. He sits on the couch and watches TV for the rest of the night. We sit next to each other, me lying on his lap so if he does move I'd know. I slowly fall asleep, due to me lying down.

POV Geroge

I look down at Dream, or what he calls himself, he is sleeping. I look back to the TV, I don't know why I can't remember anything, beside what Dream told me, whatever he tells me everything about it comes back to me, somehow. I don't know why but, I just seem to trust him, a lot. I look back down to see him smiling. My heart stops, and I start to blush. I shouldn't blush I just met him...or have I known him for a while? I don't know I'll ask him when he wakes up. I look back up to the TV, a program is on, it's about a cartoon rabbit, Bear, Chicken, Fox, and a restaurant, it's like supposed to be a tv show for a children's restaurant. I reach for the remote, which is luckily in my reach, and change the channel. The news pops up. They are talking about the usual stuff, of what I can remember, until they talk about a disappearance of 2 males, and how they haven't been seen in a long time. Both around the same age. They were about to show pictures, and share the names of the of the boys, but the power went out. I just sat there bored, I didn't want to wake dream up, so I just say there in the dark. I looked outside and saw a figure. They had a round head, they were wearing what looked like a mask. there was wording on his mask, but they were to far away to see anything. Their body shape was masculine they also had a tall figure, with a cape on, they look vaguely familiar but can't seem to see why, but as soon as it appears they disappear. I blink a couple times.

"What...?" I mumble to myself as the power turns on by my words. I go through the channels to find something to watch. I finally found something, I put it on and continue watching it until I fall asleep.

A couple hours later

Pov dream

I yawn and slowly get up, from me lying down. Geroge is sleeping, but is woken up by me moving. I frown.

Yandere Dream x George |Dnf|Where stories live. Discover now