|Chapter 9| back again...

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Geroge Pov
I awake to feel pain, it takes a bit for me to fully wake up and get my thoughts together, I must have been out for a long time, due to me staying till, only what XD would know. As my vision clears up I can see Dream grinning a sickly sweet smile, I just sit there with a angered look on my face.

"Aww~ what's wrong gogy?" He laughs in between his words like we were a happy couple. I stay quiet. I look down at my body to see a scene I haven't seen in months, me ties up to a chair, I kind of miss that bedroom. It was so much better than sitting up in a chair. "Just realized where you are, aren't you going try to leave~? Again." He scowls at the word again. I still stay quiet, I don't want to please him by answering his simple questions. He stares at me, I just look at a wall with a sort ment of weapons I assume are for torturing. I turn back to look at Dream. Which is more close now. He looks distraught as he finds no sign of life in my eyes, thier just grey. Of course I'm still alive, I'm just lost all hope. "What happened to your eyes?! All the colors gone.." He looks like he's about cry or comfort me, but nothing will get me to feel emotion, other than hate and disgust. I can feel his worryness wash over me and still nothing. Dream rushes upstairs to get something. I just sit there. Staring. And Staring. With all hope lost I can't help but to loss sight of what's reality. And what's not. A figure fades in my vision, they have a tall figure, a floating head, a mask that is blured, with a cape on, and looks like familiar but can't seem to see why. The figure disappears at the opening of the door. I ignored it and contuined to space out, cause what else is there to do.
"I'm back sorry I took so long, but I have something that might help you." He shows me what I can make out is a syringe, he owes to my neck and inserts it all the liquid inside my system. He grins. I sneered. The next thing I know I feel asleep. Probably to whatever was in that syringe.

Pov dream
He looks so cute when he's sleeping! Hopefully that 'medicine' works. He doesn't even have the color in his eyes. Thier glazed over with a gery tint. I walk around the basement to make sure he can't escape. I tighten his ropes and make sure everything alright for when he wakes up. I run upstairs real quick to check the time and since there isn't any clocks in the basement I couldn't tell what the time would be down there. The clock reads 5:56pm. So Geroge would wake up roughly around 7ish. At 6 I need to give him another dose of the 'medication' so when he wakes up at 7 he would have the color back in his eyes! He just can't look sad, our relationship is not sad, it's the most best thing I'm his life! He doesn't have a choice on it either. 6 rolls around and I get the 'medicine' ready and give him another injection of it, he's still sleeping which is good, because if I gave him the second dose with him awake, it would hurt him, and I don't want to hear him in pain! That would break my heart. Well since I would have to wain another hour for him to wake I might as well go to sleep, next to him of course, I can't let him figure out how to escape, because the other way he did was time consuming, guess Puffy didn't build it that well. I close my eyes to rest.

Dream has a dream that he and Geroge were having a nice forest picnic, Geroges eyes had his blue and brown back. But there was no light in his eyes, they were dark. Dream didn't seem to even care about it because Geroge was happily being a loving boyfriend to him. Geroge went to grab some berries, the enable ones, from a bush next to them. Dream didn't look toward that direction, and ate a sandwich that Geroge made for the date. Dream looked back to see nothing, not even the bush. All that was to see was pitch black darkness. Dream calls out Geroge. Nothing. He went to get up and walk over to the void. Her trip on seemly nothing falling in the void below. He woke up in a panic. Also waking up Geroge in the process.

"Geez I hate nightmares." I say to myself. Geroge wakes up, his eyes are brighter than ever, the only down fall was that there was no light in his eyes.

"W-what happened?" He looks around confused, and scared.

"Do you not remember anything..?" He shakes his head in response. With fear in his eyes, the light slowly return to his eyes bring them more life.

"C-can you let me go..?" I stayed silent for a bit. I go and lock the basement door making him think I left to get something. I came back with a glass of water, locking the door on my way in. He waits for me to say something to him.

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