•Chapter 2 rough begains•

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Before I start this chapter the chapters forward won't be as long as the first one -.- I just didn't know a good stopping point anyway enjoy the chapter

After I replied to them, they didn’t respond for a while but when they did they just sent me Ali’s schedule during the day and everything I needed to know about her. She wakes up at 5:50am and gets breakfast at 6:00am gets dressed at 6:15am, goes out to the bus at 6:30am, gets picked up at 6:35am, and stuff like that I use this to my advantage and study everything until I can barely keep my eyes open and go to bed and sleep. I have a dream that I have never had before of what I can tell is Ali and george underneath a wedding mantil and I can’t move or talk I just had to sit and watch and they went on with the marriage stuff and I started to scream but since I could talk I just had my mouth open and I started to cry, and then I shot up from my bed tears in my eyes I calmed down because thankfully it was just a dream, but not helping ali at all. Then I got a text from L.

L:So, have you thought of anything?

D:No, haven't really

L:well you better think of a way quickly because she is going to confess her feelings on friday


L:yep you only have 3 days so think quickly

He left me on that and I got to thinking, what should I do within the next 3 days I have? I thought i look it up but school starts soon, so I got ready and snuck to george house to make sure he got to school safely, he walks to school and walks home so I need to make sure nothing happens to him but I keep my distance because I don't know how to approach him like this because I don't live near him and he knows that, so I follow at a distance to where I can see him but he cant see me or you know how when someone is looking at you and you feel it thats what I tried to avoid, We got to the school gates and went to school like normal meet up in the cafeteria like what we did yesterday and the day by normal but I could only think about how to get ali out of the picture I got an idea and put a note in her locker to meet me behind the school to talk about her love interest she must love to talk with people about that because she came I hid so she didn see me I learn a lot about how to kidnap someone so I lead her to the back or the school so I could have my plan go in action she went on her phone to wait for me I crept up behind her with a cloth in hand and then in a blur my rushed my hand to you mouth and within 10 seconds of muffled screams for help and squirming she fell right asleep with a empty band instrument case i shoved her into the case and picked up the case with inside of it and went home but before i did that I followed george home making sure he got there safe and went back for her at the school luckily no one found her and went home making people think that I just finished a late night concert, I went into my house to the basement where I tied her up in a chair with tape, each arm tied to the arms of the chair legs tied to the front legs of the chair. It took a while for her to wake up, I didn't want to go straight to violence so I was thinking of talking with her but now that i think about it, it's too late for that because who would listen to someone who just kidnap them and tied them to a chair. not me! So I thought about it and I was going to just keep her here no one visits no one would think it's me and I could just easily get rid of her quickly, she woke up in distress I came prepared for that having tape around her mouth so she could yell because I live close to a quiet neighborhood and if they heard screams coming from a house near them some people would want to check it out. With some more muffled scream from within the tape she stopped knowing she was going nowhere

“You done?” I ask with a mysterious tone I walk out of the shadows to reveal myself I bend over and rip the tape off the tape on her mouth she yelps in pain

“What do you want?” 

“For you to leave someone alone” 

“You're doing all of this for a person? Geez how desperate do you have to be to resort to kidnapping?!” she laughs after her statement I keep a straight face

“Yes and to you it may not seem as big of a deal as it does to me.” 

”So? You don't need to kidnap me because I'm ”getting too close to someone you love” get over yourself” My hands start to clench up in anger but I calm myself down go upstairs grab a knife and come back down to the basement.

”Do you really want to talk to someone like that with a knife?” she looks at me and the knife and starts to freak out. I place the knife to her throat making a little incision right below her chin. She yelps in pain while trying to still act tough but I can see through her act. She sucks air through her teeth in pain while I still have the knife to her throat, I take it away as the cut to be a warning.

“So will you listen to me now?” I ask her, she quietly nods to my question as I grin “So you know George right? Right. So I want you to leave him alone but I know if I let you go the Second you get out. You’ll rat me to the police so imma make that decision for you” I take out my knife again and bring it toward her as her eyes widen she tries to scream for help, I didn’t want this to resort to this but with me realizing I wouldn’t get out of here scoot free with letting her go, because if I do I have to keep an eye on her, and I don’t have the time for that, I slash my knife across her neck and it doesn't take long for her to die from loss of blood, as I watch her in pain dying slowly I regret doing it so quickly because I could have just made her sit their and die and very slow and painful death to make her suffer but it's too late now. I stare at the now dead girl and a devilish grin develops on my face as it turns into a laugh. It goes for a while until I feel light headed and catch my breath, I look back at her, trying to think about what to do with her now. “I should probably clean the blood first.” I say to myself as I walk upstairs to get cleaning supplies

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