~Chapter 3 first findings ;)~

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I finish disposing of her and made final touches so it looked like nothing happened, satisfied I went to my room and almost fell asleep, Until I heard a buzzing sound coming from my pocket, I pulled out my phone to see a text message from l

L: Have you thought of anything yet?

D: it's already done

L: It is? Wow that was quick thanks and I will inform you about anyone else who might take him away. and thanks again for the free story

D:yeah no problem
I put the phone down on my end table by my bed, since I'm in comfy clothes and I'm too lazy to get dressed in pjs so I lay back down to sleep and hope to dream of George, but that hope was short lived when I got the same dream like last night but with a different not as recognizable person, their whole face was blur and I couldn’t make any out but when the blur started to go away I woke up with tears in my eyes again, I looked at my clock as it read 5:35, I yawned and stretched as I went through my phone and read what I wrote

L: So how’d you do it?

D: the simple way
It took a bit for them to reply

L: there is a lot simple ways to get rid of someone so tell me

D: i just slit her throat, killing her that's about it 

L: well it's a start

D: yea anyways im deleting this whole conversation just case you know?

L: yeah we wouldn't want that
I left them on read again since I didn’t know what to type back, I looked back at the clock as it read 6:12 so I got up and got dressed for school after i got all ready I went to go follow george to school again like I always do, this went on for the rest of the week during the weekend I watch over george within his house whenever he left I followed behind without him knowing. On Sunday I looked over at George walking into his house but I noticed that he dropped something, it was his keychain of a mushroom he always has with him (it's always been there always (:) I ran up to his doorstep while making as little noise as possible while grabbing the chain as soon as I had the chain in my hands I heard the sound of footsteps walking towards the door I went a dashed to the nearest bush and ducked behind it as I watch the door open with Geroge coming out and looking for something near his front door after a while he gives up and goes back inside. I sit on the grass underneath me and I gaze my eyes upon the keychain in awh as I space out by looking at his keychain I snap out of it when I realize it's dark out so I go and check up on George to make sure he is safe and sound I wait until I know his asleep, and I go back home to sleep knowing George is ok. As the other nights the same nightmare plays as I sleep, but this time I can move around not as close as I want to be but this time a undefined of a figure and george are under the cherry blossom tree behind our school, we have a little myth that if you confess your feelings to them after school at 5:00 they will accept it but no one has done it before because of how cheesy it sounds and it would be even worse if the person they are confessing to decline there feeling just because of how chessy it was, but I never looked too into it, because I never thought I was going to get feelings for someone, back to the dream I felt something in my hand I looked down to see a knife I looked back up to realize i’m smiling my body moves on it’s own and I go to stab the figure but then I wake up to my phone alarm, beeping in my ear, I groan and turn the alarm off to look at the time my phone reads that it is 3 o'clock.

3??? When did I set this? I don’t remember needing this alarm- my thoughts get interrupted when I get a text from L

L: sorry for waking you I just needed to tell you something

D: what

L: well another girl has her eyes on george

D: what

L: you must be very tired if all your replying with “what”

D: yea haha I didn’t set this alarm so you must have because who else would? 

L: you got me I just woke you up just so I could tell you because I have a lot of insights on her

D: continue

L: if this helps you, she reads in the library near a bookshelf that is not really stable
I didn't respond back. I thought about it first, thinking about what he meant by that and it came to me, I could make it look like an accident so it wouldn’t look weird if she disappeared like the other girl.
D: ok I think I have an idea

Done with this chapter :D I hope you enjoy it and yeah thanks for reading ig :)

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