|Chapter 5| all to myslef

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I've been waiting forever! Maybe I put too much sedative in the syringe. Geroge has been sleeping peacefully, ahh I wish this could last forever but he starts to wake up I hide in the shadows of the basement, as he realizes he can't move and gets his mind together he starts to panic, I walk up to him slowly, as he notices me his face is filled with fear.

"W-why?" He stutters with a frighten voice

"I thought you knew?" I tilt my head in confusion. After a bit of waiting it sinks into him as he remembers what happened behind the school.

"But still, this doesn't make any sense Dream, I- I don't know right now." He replies trying to get his thoughts organized. A big wave of silence washed over us. I checked my phone to see what time it was to see it was 5:29pm. 

"Oh it's uhm dinner gotta go make that you know" I give an awkward chuckle with it and I rush upstairs making sure to lock the door just in case. I rush to find something because I don't feel comfortable leaving him alone like this, but despite that I find something and cook food.

George Pov
I have been trying to loosen my restraints for awhile, but they are still as tight as when I first woke up. Then it hit me, no one was going to look for me. I don't live with my family, not that I want to, but everyone that I have ever talked to ignores me now. Stress overwhelms me as I start to hyperventilate. I hear the door open but from me hyperventilating I get really dizzy. The last thing I saw before passing out was Dream running over to me, of course I could hear him because the void we call sleep had already taken me for however long it wanted me for.

Dream pov
"George! hey are you ok?!" I questioned him as he was looking ill, he fell asleep. I didn't want to disturb him but I couldn't bear seeing him look so uncomfortable, so I grabbed him and went to the extra bedroom Puffy installed for me way back when she built the house. I carefully place him in the bed and place his dinner next to him with a note that says

If dinners cold when you wake up just knock on the door ^^


I then go to eat my dinner which is now room temperature, I heat it up as I give out a yawn, after all that has happened to today I'm exhausted from everything as I finish up my food I hear a quiet knocking coming from the spare bedroom. I went over to get George's plate from him, but as soon as I opened the door George sprinted out the door and down the stairs to meet with the front door but before he could put a hand on the doorknob, I grabbed his wrists and pinned him up to a wall he looked at me with a tint of blush across his face, also looking terrified. I give him a little smile and walk him back to his room, with him trying to get out of my grasp obviously, I threw him in the room

"Do you want me to heat up your food darling?" I say through my teeth he responds with a nod. I walk over to his plate and grab it all while looking at him so he doesn't try anything. Then I walk outside the door locking it on my way out so he doesn't try and run for it again. I placed his plate in the microwave and went to lock the front door so he couldn't get out again, that's when I heard a knock at the door, with a worried feeling I went to check who it was, it was some rando I have never seen before

"Hello dream finally we meet up"


"Yep in the flesh" He replies "Oh and you can call me Leo now"


"Well that all I wanted to do tooles!" and just when they arrived they left just as fast I stand there with a blank look on my face, I shut the door, the microwave beeped,  I went over, grabbed George's plate, and went to go give it to him. I opened the door slowly peeking inside, he hasn't moved since the last time I've been in here. Nonetheless I give him his plate.

"Enjoy~! I made it with love and care!" I say cheerfully Geroge doesn't match with my cheerfulness, I stroke him on his head and walk back to my room forgetting to lock the door before leaving.

Yandere Dream x George |Dnf|Where stories live. Discover now