|Chapter 6| not so normal days

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George Pov
After Dream gave me my food I noticed that the door didn't make a click sound. As I ate my food I thought if it was a trick or not, I finished the food and went to check. As I opened the door it creaked open and there was nothing, but I felt like I shouldn't leave the room, even though I could easily be in the hands of freedom it's like something was keeping me in the room with a big decision on hand I stood there thinking for a long time then the door shut on its own a big gust of wind went my way, I could hear someone running throughout the house I opened the door again the meet myself with dream running around the house frantically looking for something I walk out to ask him why his making such a big deal on whatever his looking for, I walked down the stairs and I was meet with dream rushing up to me.

"What's with all the noise?" I ask trying to think of something else to say "I'm trying to sleep" I lie

"Thank XD you're not trying to leave, let's get you back to bed" He gives me a sweet smile and leads me to my room. I follow sluggishly because I am tired, despite being asleep for most of the day. (cause you know george sleeps like 20 out of 24 hours of the day lol) He gestures me to get in bed, without much energy left I followed with it and got in bed. Soon after I fell asleep, While I was going to sleep it seemed like dream didn't move from the spot he was in.

Pov dream
I stayed in Geroges room relived that my thoughts were indeed false and I just didn't close the door all the way but still I wonder way he didn't leave, he doesn't matter he us still here and that's all that matters, I go into my room which is filled with everything that is either Pictures of Geroge, stuff that reminds me I him, or just his belongings that I stole from him. I flopped on my bed making sure everything was was how it should be before I rest, I remembered to lock all the doors that could let him leave, so I think that's about it. This dream isn't like the others ones at all this time I was with Geroge he looked terrified I looked over to were he was looking at and it was all the girls that had gotten in my way. Scared I turned over to Geroge to comfort him but instead of him being there he blew into dust and disappeared in the non-existence wind, the room turns black I start to see something on the ground in shape of a person but before I could go over to the person I woke up. I look over to my clock as it read 7:36 I yawned and stretched and got up to make breakfast for me and my beloved, since it's the weekend I don't have to worry about anything. I also made sure that Geroge doesn't have to go to school I have already made the school take him of the school listing, so if he doesn't go back to school no one would worry since he dropped out he doesn't need to leave the house. I decided that I would ask what Geroge would want for breakfast, I went over to his room and opened his door, he was laying down on the bed staring at the wall infront of him.

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted something for breakfast?"

"I don't care whatever you want I guess." He rolled over to the other side of the bed where I couldn't see his face. I then closed the door, locking it, and went to start cooking.

Cooking is boring to write so time skip

I went over to Geroge's room his food in hand, I open the door to which greets me with the same scene on which I saw earlier.

"Food's done!"

"Oh ok thanks just sit it on the end table." I do what he asks and placed it on the end table then I walked out not knowing what to say. I made sure to lock the door on the way out.

Yandere Dream x George |Dnf|Where stories live. Discover now