|Chapter 8| on the run

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POV George
After a couple of weeks of breaking at the wall, it finally crumbled right in front if me! It was big enough for me to slip through. That's when I heard footsteps coming this way, I quickly sled out of the room and ran for it. If this was the only chance I got to leave I better make this count. I ran into the forest and just run as far away as I can from him, I don't think I'd be able to stay there any longer. I then heard someone calling my name from a far distance. I ran even faster when I heard them, they came from none other than dream.

Pov dream
I started to panic George got out, I knew he was hiding something but I could never figure out what, but this is my fault for not looking behide that stupid dresser, I decided to run into the forest, he knew that I'm faster than him, so all he needed was for me to lose him.

"COME HERE GEORGE YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER!" I yell out. I have a lot of stamina, but George not so much. I know this because I would always watch him when he was in Gym class and he would always stop to catch his breath every 10 minutes of running, and he is about to stop to get his breath. That's when I heard gasps of air near me, I tried to be quiet so I can sneak up on him but failed and stepped on a twig, which snaped in Half.

"Who's there?" He asks gasping in between his words. I stay quiet to maybe get him to bring his guard down, but then he saw me behide the tree I was hiding at, which he ran quicker than I ever saw him go before, but I know that he cant run for much longer so I just pretend that he's getting away so he doesn't notice him running out of breath.

Pov George
I can hear dream stopping to catch his breath far behide me, I start to get excited because I'm finally leaving escape him, that I don't realize that I'm running further into the forest, and faster using more stamina. I keep running unaware that dream is still following me from behide, I collapses on the floor of the forest exhausted, from running so much, I sit and lean on a tree behide me, to catch my breath. I felt so free, which was short lived when I heard footsteps coming my way I hid in a bush next to me hoping that it wasn't dream, and if it was he wouldn't see me.

"Oh George~" dream calls out for me, my heart picks up speed, I cover my mouth so he couldn't hear my heavy breathing. "I know your around here somewhere~" my heart is racing out of fear, because he was right near me. Tears started to fall down my face while I wanted to cry, I couldn't let him hear my muffled crying. "Hmmm...well if your not going to show yourself we can sit here all~ day." I sit here waiting for dream to leave, seconds, turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and sooner or later I was getting tired, but I couldn't even move or he'll know I'm in the bush, I try to see him, and he looked like he was sleeping. I took this as a chance to get out of there, I crept out of the bush I was in, and ran. That's when I heard Dream wake up, I just kept running I didn't care anymore I just wanted to go somewhere anywhere at this point! This kept going for the rest of the night until I could see thing. It was pitch black dark and I couldn't see a thing, then I tripped, my leg was killing me, I think I might have spraned it, I dragged myself behind a tree and hoped for the best. I heard some running footsteps, turn into walking footsteps. A flashlight was turned on, it started to move around everywhere, looking for something, or someone like me. I felt myself falling asleep, because of me being tired from running and it being late at night, I try to crawl just to go somewhere anywhere! I just wanted to go and be able to finally be free from dream I just wanted to go 'home' whatever that was at this point. I fell to the ground all my strength vanished from my body and, I saw the flashlight beam over me as I fall asleep. Before I do though I can feel myself being pick up by what I'm guessing is dream.

POV Dream
I point my flashlight at George who looks like he is about to fall asleep, I pick him up and start to go back to my house. It was a long way back to the house, and luckily George didn't wake up at all during the way back, he looked so peaceful when he slept, and whenever I looked down at him my heart would start to beat out of my chest and I just went back to running back to the house since it would be more efficient that way. I was closing I my house that's when George started to wake up I quickly ran to my house, into my basement, and tied him up since I can't trust him to be alone anymore. Not after that incident. Then he waked up.

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