bonus ending :>

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Ok this takes place in Chapter 8 when Geroge is in the forest. Running away here what would have happened if Geroge got away.


I'm still running Dream also behide me. But not in hands reach thankfully, in the distance I can hear the city! How long have I been running for? Soon enough I can see it. I run into the near by sidewalk and catch my breath. Finally! I'm free! I didn't even care that people were looking at me I'm way to happy right now to care.

"Hey are you ok?" A random young women asked me.

"No please help me." I pant.

"Ok, ok you've been all over the news your," the women thinks for a bit. "Geroge lore?"

"Yes just please help me."

"Ok here let's get you to the police station." I nod my head. She had her arm around me to try and comfort me. My eyes tear up, am I really leaving! I'm I safe? The nice lady leads me to her car and opens the passenger door for me. I hesitantly go in, but I plop down in the seat anyway. "So what happened to you and that other boy? Where is he?"

"What other boy?"

"Uhm you know...what'd his name," the girl snaps her fingers near her face trying to remember something. "Dream was it?" A pit forms in my stomach.

"He's the one.." I frozen.

"Hes the one what?"

"He was also missing?"

"Yeah he was I can't remember his last name though."

"He uhm is the one I'm running from."

"Oh ok we are almost to the police station," She pauses "Oh and my name is Leah but the way." She smiles. I shyly smile back. After a bit she stops the car. "We're here." I open the door and is greeted by a tall building. "Come on Geroge lets go in."

"O-oh ok." I nervously walk with Leah inside the building.

"Hello what are you both here for today." A slim man asks us without looking up from his laptop.

"Yes hi uhm I have Geroge lore with me." The man closes the laptop and gets a clipboard with some paper.

"Ok you both come with me, Geroge fill this out for me ok?" He hands me the clipboard with a pen. He leads us down a hall and to an empty room. "Geroge stay here and fill this form out I'll be in that room here with..."


"Right, I'll be out here when we're done talking ok?" I nod my head while they both go in the room. The door closes and I sit on the bench behide me. There wasn't that much paper work to fill out. it was about 3 pages front and back, I finished the papers and gently placed them down beside me. After a bit the door opens, Leah walks out and the man gestures me in. I walk in and sit down on a chair. "So tell me what happened? You've been gone for months."

"U-uhm so Dream he kidnapped me, a-and he said he did it because he loves me? I think he said that."

"Is that all?"

"I think he was also associated with all of those girl's deaths in the school we both were enrolled in." The room went silent, the only thing you could hear was light pen writing.

"Ok so your saying Dream killed those girls and kidnapped you correct?"

"Mhmm." I nod my head.

"Ok we'll try and lock him up for all of this ok?" I nod my head once again. He stood up, so I followed. "Ok Geroge you'll have to live with someone for the time being for your safety. We don't want him to find you again." He opened the door. "Leah? You ok with what we arranged?" She nodded her head. "Geroge you'll be living with Leah here and will be watched by cameras 24/7 and no leaving the house ok?" I nod my head again. "Good now when we catch Dream you'll be able to do whatever you want after that ok."

"Thank you." I say.

"Yeah it's no worries just doing my job."

And with that Geroge goes on to live with Leah, Dream tryes to get him back multiple times but is caught by the cameras and soon is caught and put on trail, geroge and Leah both went Dream got locked up for live in a Maxum security prison Geroge went on to stay in Leah's house as friends and stayed friends. And everything was perfect for Geroge, no more running, and no more worrying. And dream was stuck. He tried to escape but couldn't he was soon wasn't able to even move in the prison, he just was rotting away in his prison cell not able to do anything but eat and drink. Geroge was able to be feel free and safe.

There that's the end for the bonus ending hope you guys liked it! ^^

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