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Jungwon has been waiting here in the park for 3 hours now, as far as he knows Daniel's class is over.

He already texted and called Daniel but he won't reply or answer the phone.

is his phone off?

"when is he gonna arrive?"Jungwon asked himself. he was already holding is badminton racket but he can't play since his still waiting for Daniel.

Jungwon decided to wait for few more minutes until his phone started ringing. it was his Mom.

"Jungwon! come to Daniel's school right now" his mom said

Jungwon noticed that his Mom's voice changed, did she cried?

"Mom, Are you crying?!" Jungwon asked

"Just come!" his Mom said

Jungwon end the call and started run.

Is daniel in trouble or something?

as soon as Jungwon came into the school there was police and an ambulance. the entrance also has a yellow tape.

"Sir what happened? can i come inside?" Jungwon asked. "Do you attend this school?"the officer asked. "No, my brother Daniel does"

As soon as Jungwon mentioned the name Daniel, the officer immidietly allow him to go inside the school. he then saw his mom in her knees crying so he run to her.

"Mom! what happened? wheres daniel?"Jungwon said. "D-daniel is gone"His Mom said. "w-what?"Jungwon asked.

His Mom rufused to speak so she just pointed at the bed that the two guys was carrying it.

Jungwon run to the two guys, and told them to put the bed down.

"SIR! WAIT LET ME JUST CHECK"Jungwon said. they quickly followed and put the bed down. The body was covered so he slowly took it off and you can see Daniel who looks pale and his neck that looks purple-ish and has blood on it.

"daniel, suicide?"Jungwon whispered. The two male covered the body again and continue carrying.

Jungwon slowly watch them carry the dead body of his twin. He didn't even noticed that he was already crying.

Jungwon doesn't usually cry, when their Dad left them Jungwon didn't even cry. when their dog died he didn't cry. this was the only time he cried. he was so close to his twin.

Daniel, what happened? have you been experiencing something that i didn't know?

Jungwon kneel infront of his mother. "eomma,please tell me this is a dream!"Jungwon said while wiping his tears.

"Jungwon, how i wish it was"His Mom said.

Sunghoon and Jay are in their study room and was listening to the news while on their phone.

"A seventeen year old was found dead in a bathroom by a janitor in En- University"

when Jay and Sunghoon heard the school name, they quickly looked up from their phone and looked at the tv. the tv then showed a picture of the student, and it was daniel.

"what the fuck? thats Daniel?"Sunghoon said.

"the police already confirmed that it was a suicide"

after the announcer said that, Sunghoon started to laugh. "Daniel? suicide? please he can barely cut himself"Sunghoon said and started to use his phone again.

Jay then grabbed Sunghoon's phone and throw it in the trash can.

"Jay what the fuck-"

Sunghoon didn't get to continue when Jay spoke.

"REALLY YOU'RE JUST GONNA LAUGH ABOUT IT?! A STUDENT DIED BECAUSE OF US SUNGHOON"Jay shouted. "Bro chill, as if this isn't the first time"


"Jay, its their choice if they want to kill themselves or not"Sunghoon said and rolled his eyes.

"Imagine their family, what will they react? we are basically murderers at this point! and you still don't care?"Jay said.

"what do you want me to do? bring them back to life? they are already dead!"Sunghoon said and left leaving Jay all alone in the room.

I'm sorry Daniel.

Its been 30 days since Daniels funeral and his Mom and Jungwon have hard time accepting it, especially their mother.

"Eomma, please eat"Jungwon cried. he hates seeing his mom cry, he hates it.

His Mom Didn't bother to answer him and just hugged Daniel's picture. Jungwon put the food down and was about to go to his room when his mother spoke.

"I miss our daniel"

me too.

Jungwon wiped his tears and smile, before going to his room. Jungwon looked around the room and sat on Daniel's bed.

its weird seeing our room without you.

Jungwon grabbed Daniel's school bag and and try to find his dairy. Jungwon didn't want to since its invading Daniel's privacy but theirs a side of him that wants too.

as soon as he found it, he looks through the pages trying to find the cause on why would Daniel just kill himself.

He was about to give up since all the pages was just about him and Daniel. Then he came  to the last page of Daniels dairy and read it.

hello diary hehe

tbh i usually only wrote things that happened to me and twin Jungwon, but i'm getting tired this days and just want to end my own life jk. hahahhahaha its been 2 years since i moved to En- University. i always tell my twin that the school and people their are good. but its actually not. People there can be cruel haha, they will torture you until you want to give up. i like this person name park jongseong but he's one of the person that hurts me, i feel like i toy. they would just randomly slap me, kick me. diary i'm weird right? why am i into a guy that slaps and kick me? tbh idk i always thought he was the nicest among the four of them but nevermind haha, i am sometimes scared to go to school because almost everyday they will hurt me and i have to pretend i'm okay even if i'm not. when Jungwon told me he wants to go to en- university. i was happy for him because he deserves a good university but i was also worried since people there can hurt him. Jungwon is a self taught taekwando i'm sure he can kick all of them but i don't want him to experience the pain i've been through. This days i'm getting tired, i feel like giving up soon :( Park Jongseong i don't know why i still like you but you're a jerk :) Eomma and Jungwon i'm sorry if i ended up giving up, i'm trying, i really am. don't forget i love you guys :)

park jongseong?

After reading it, all he wants to do is to be accepted in En University and meet that Park Jongseong who hurt his Brother.

I'll make sure ya'll regret hurting my twin.

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