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Jungwon's pov

"he said sorry to you?"Sunoo asked

We're at the school's garden and started talking about the incident that happed yesterday.

"Yeah, he believes that i didn't stole his ballpen well at first he was mad but when we were out of the room his voice soften"

Jake at Sunoo both looked at each other then looked at me with a worried face.

"Jungwon, i'm sorry to break it to you but jay doesn't act like that, we know him and his friends they're cruel"Jake said

"Well his friends might be but jay isn't. he's actually kind and sweet"I said to them

"i get that he's sweet towards you but trust me jay and his friends are cruel as fuck they don't care about others. i'm sorry jungwon but jay is probably just playing with you"Sunoo said

"he is not, Sunoo."

"Won, me and sunoo had seen them multiple times bullying other students so we are worried for you"Jake said

"Guys trust me, Jay isn't a bad person. his twin and friends are but i've never seen him hurt anyone"

both just nodded agreeing with me and just continue eating.

jay isn't like the others right ?

Jay's Pov

"students, i'll be checking your bags since our janitor found cigarettes in the trashbin"

all students started to complain and whine but still gave their bags to the prof. and once ut was jungwon's turn he gave his bag and when the prof opened it he took a box full of cigarettes making some students gasp.

"Yang Jungwon, its you again i've heard you were stealing someones ballpen and now you bring cigarettes?"the prof said

"huh? sir thats not mine, my mom doesn't like the smell so why would i use cigarettes?"Jungwon said

"Tsk, cigarettes? what's the next thing you'll bring ? drugs?" Sunghoon said

"Sunghoon quiet, jungwon come with me. also class dismissed"The prof said

once everyone got out of the room i looked at sunghoon. "Bro don't look at me like that" he said.

"Did you put the box of cigarettes inside Jungwon's bag?"

"No why would i? you told me you want to play with his feelings"Sunghoon said


"stop lying, you put the box in his bag to get him expelled"

"Jay, i swear i didn't. and evem if i did so what ? you should be greatful because you won't act like you're whipped for the guy"Sunghoon said

"I told you didn't i that i want to play with his feelings more" i said

"Jay, it was my idea anyways right? i told you to play with with his feelings so i'm incharge now i'm telling you to stop it because he's probaby gonna get expelled"sunghoon said and walked away with ni-ki and heeseung.

Jungwon's Pov

I'm here right now in the office and they're trying to call my mom. please i don't want to leave yet i haven't find the guy.

"Sir, please do not call my mom. i swear i don't smoke. i don't know how it got in my bag but that was not mine"

he ignored my words and still try to contact my mom until we heard a knock on the door and when the door opened it reveals Jay.

"Jay, what are you doing here? you should be eating your lunch"the prof said

"Sir, if you're planning on punishing Jungwon then don't. i put the cigarettes in his bag"

Huh?! what?!

"Park Jay? are you serious?"

i stood up and came towards him.

"Don't lie, you wouldn't do that"i told him

"well i did"

"why? you were so nice to me"i said

I didn't even notice tears were already running down my cheeks.

"because i wanted to"Jay said not even looking at me

"Stop lying, its one of your friends isn't it? your covering up for them. you won't do stuff like that"

"are you deaf? i put the cigarettes on your bag! i'm not lying"

instead of answering i ran towards the door and and left the room running trying to find sunoo and jake.

both were right. they're cruel.

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