Chapter 4: The Preparation for an Excavation

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On this next chapter, this is about a Hunter Covenant called the Gladius Templum Scroll. And yes, it is basically me trying to find words that are not copy pasted from Hunter: The Vigil's Hunter Conspiracy Faction, Aegis Kai Doru, some kind of secret organisation that dates back from Atlantis or something, hates mages and werewolves and have magical artifacts that is also similar to a nuclear bomb.

Or something like that.

If you readers have read at Chapter 2 regarding my description of the thirteen Covenant in the Hunter's Dream, then you should get a better understanding. If not, well... I'M SORRY IF MY WRITING MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL. THIS IS LIKE BIG TALK COMING FROM ALL WATTPAD WRITERS WHO CAN'T MAKE A FUCKING GOOD GRAMMAR.




Ahem, sorry about that. Anyway, for those of you who doesn't know what kind of story this is, this story is all about Bloodborne being crossover with Taimanin with heavy influence and inspiration from the World of Darkness, both new and old.

As I said before, this is an inspiration to it. Not a crossover and I try to put the World of Darkness, both new and old to the story while also tweaked it to my preference. Some of the lore in the World of Darkness is undoubtedly interesting but some seemed to be just to be difficult to be implemented in the grand schemes of things.

Like 'Mummy: The Cursed' a game about you playing as an ancient mummy who is basically taking inspiration from 'The Mummy' by being some undead monster who's powers are biblical and is nearly indestructible until he starts to lose said powers, memories and after you are done your task given to you by some all powerful deity or something, you go to sleep.

At least, that it what I think. What do you think it is about?

Well, anyway. On with the chapter.


The majority of the Hunters in the Hunter's Dream are still with their business, bartering, discussing and what-not in what can be described as a marketplace or something.

And for the most part, the Covenant Master of the Gladius Templum Scroll are busy walking by his lonesome amongst the many Hunter's who still wear their black clothing, plate armour and some others with their face still hidden from prying eyes.

And no matter how he has lived, he is still can't wrap his head out on where he is now and how many years have past.

After his previous founder has made a deal with a Great One to save their remaining people from, The Great Flood, an event that is either the cause of the water rising or something far worse than natural causes, has almost their civilization, the remaining people have become hunters who hunt the supernatural monsters that plagued the world and custodians who guard their remaining relics of their past.

Relics of both magical and technological feat that can go on par with those pea shooters called guns, land driven automobiles called cars and among other modern technology that pale in comparison to Atlantis' own work and creation.

And right now, not only are they hunters but also archaeologists and excavators who will search around the world for any signs of the relics that has spread and hidden across the world for the many, many past centuries ago.

And right now, Aegis might as well get some downtime as he saw what can be described as....

"Come on, come all. If you want some good food, go eat the best Ramen you can taste. It's like heaven."

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