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Vernon props his head up on his hand as he looks at Joshua.

"What happens if we lose the trial?"

"I don't know, love, but what I'm sure of is that we'll win, and you and Seungkwan and Chan will all get to stay with us."

"Don't worry too much," Jeonghan adds from behind Joshua. "This will all be over tomorrow."

"I'm scared," Chan whispers from his spot next to Seungcheol.

"You don't need to be, darling," Seungcheol replies. "Our case against them is solid and nothing bad is going to happen."

"But you can't promise that!"

Vernon sits up suddenly and Joshua gently pulls him back down.

"Nothing bad is going to happen because if anything happens, then we can just run away and be happy together."

"Where would we go?" Seungkwan asks as he wraps his arms around Vernon's waist from behind.

"Anywhere you want, love."

"I want to see Europe. Maybe Paris or London?"

"If that's where you want to go, then that's where we'll go. We can even go to America if you want to."

"Anywhere with you is fine."

"Aw, that's so sweet," Wonwoo interrupts. "But we should really sleep right now."

"Ok, hyung, we'll try," Chan replies and smiles sweetly at the older boy.

They fall silent after that, but Vernon can't fall asleep. He tries, he really does, but his thoughts are just going too fast and there's too many of them. He spends an hour just laying there, occasionally staring at Joshua's pretty face.

When he can't take anymore, he reaches out for Joshua's hand. He squeezes it slightly and whispers to his soulmate.


"Hm? Vernon, what's wrong?" Joshua replies sleepily.

"I can't sleep."


"I can't sleep, hyung."

"Let me get the remote, love, and we can watch something so you can focus on that instead of whatever's going through your mind right now."


Joshua slides out of Jeonghan's arms and grabs the remote at the foot of the bed before handing it to Vernon and pulling the younger boy closer to him.

"What do you want to watch?" Joshua asks.

"I don't know. I'm just gonna scroll until I find something."

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