Intermission: Seokmin

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"Would it be alright if I borrowed one of your sweaters?"

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"Would it be alright if I borrowed one of your sweaters?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Why?"

Joshua watches as Seokmin goes into his closet and comes out with a pale blue sweater.

"I have to go downstairs and your sweaters always smell like you so I want to wear one."

"Oh, ok."

Seokmin smiles as he sees Joshua blush.

"Thank you, hyung," Seokmin coos and pecks Joshua on the cheek before putting the sweater on.

"Wait, you want one of my sweaters just to go downstairs?"

"Yeah, unless you'd like to come with?"

"I'll go with you, but keep the sweater on.  It looks cute."

"Alright, let's go."

Seokmin hides his blush by leading the way down the stairs.  He brings Joshua to the dining room and brings his soulmate in.

The table is set with the pretty dishes and there are candles placed all around.

"Seokmin?" Joshua gasps.  "Did you set all of this up?"

"Yeah," Seokmin replies and bounces on his toes.  "Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful, love.  Thank you."

"You're welcome!"

Seokmin pulls the chair out for Joshua to sit before moving to sit across from him.

"Alright, let's eat!"

There's some shuffling from the kitchen but nothing happens.

"Let me try that again," Seokmin rolls his eyes.  "Let's eat!"

Mingyu and Minghao walk out with trays of food.  They set them down on the table and each hand Joshua a flower.

"Have a nice date." Mingyu smiles sweetly at his soulmate.

"We hope you like the food!" Minghao exclaims before pulling Mingyu out.

Joshua and Seokmin look at each other for a second before laughing.

The Seoksoo couple go through their dinner date, eating and laughing with each other.  They end up taking a walk to the park down the street.

Joshua admires the way Seokmin looks in the fading sunlight and can't help but to pull him closer.

"Hey Shua?"


"I really love you."

"I really love you, too.  Thank you for this beautiful date."

"Well, you deserve the best."

// seoksoo date :)

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// seoksoo date :)

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