~Chapter 2~

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Small A/N: I'm aware that I say blood and not strawberry jam, I may or may not say/use strawberry jam. They are cookies with human features-

All you hear is small slow breathing, there was only 2 people in the room

Pure Vanilla paste around the small room, where Dark Cacao was laid down at.

-How could this happen, his own son did this?!-
Pure Vanilla said under his breath

Dark Cacao hasn't woken up yet, it's been 3 days since the incident at his castle, there was- a lot of blood, it took many healers to stop the large wound on his chest from bleeding

Pure Vanilla looks at Dark Cacao unconscious body with a sadden look.

-If I was there faster I could have stopped all this...-

Pure Vanilla had sent out 2 letters for HollyBerry, and Golden Cheese today about what happened

*No White Lily isn't in this, I won't spoil anything if you haven't seen the whole story line*

There was going to be a meeting with the other ancients a few days ago, they had all agreed to meet up at Dark Cacao's kingdom, but when Pure Vanilla got there, he saw many healers and servants around Cacao's body.

After many questions they had decided to take him to the Vanilla Kingdom as for they had better healers.

Pure Vanilla head perks up as he hears the door open.

"We heard what happened..."


Just darkness

He can hear himself breathing, it was slow and steady-

He hears small murmuring around him
He couldn't make out who it was, but all he felt was pain

He didn't want to cry out for help, he didn't want to seem weak.

He knew something had happened, he couldn't quite remember, it was all so quick

"I'm sorry... Father.."
Was the last thing he remembers

Deciding that sitting here wasn't going to help, he slowly opened his eye.
He squinted In pain as for it was very bright.

He heard small gasp around him and someone shuffling around to close the blinds-


It was blurry at first but after a few seconds he could make out the 3 forms in front of him.

It was Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, and Golden Cheese
They looked at him with a shocked look-

He stares at them with his usual look


There was a quick sense of silence in the room before one of them came out of shock and said-

"Your- your awake!"

A/N: Wow I didn't expect this to be this long! Of course I'm trying to get 2 chapters done a day during the weekend

Also I won't do many spoilers in this story as for some people probably haven't seen the whole storyline yet! But this story does include some stuff in the event Cookie of Darkness

October 22~2021!

✓ means it has been looked over and fixed mistakes/ proof read

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