~Chapter 5~

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Cacao woke up, feeling the nice heat from the sunlight that was coming inside through the window.

As he sat up he heard the door open, it was one of the Vanilla healers. It was time for his daily check-up.

Time skip¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

Cacao sat down looking at the books Pure Vanilla had gave him. He was still slightly bored as for he wanted to get up and go see Pure Vanilla. He wonders why he thinks of him so much more than the other ancients.

Dark Cacao looked around the small room hoping nobody would come in. As he carefully slid his legs from under the blanket, he manages to get both of his feet(more like Minecraft Steve feet 🚶) on the cold floor

Cacao carefully got off the bed and stood up, it was a bit wobbly at first, but then a few mins later he was fine. Cacao walked around the room, he was about to open the door but that's when Pure Vanilla walked in.

They looked at each other with odd looks, Pure Vanilla seeming to get mad at what Cacao was doing. Pure Vanilla took his hand and walked him over to the bed, he tried to at least get him to sit down. But he underestimated how strong Cacao is even in the state he is in.

"Back in bed, now..." Pure Vanilla said with a mad look. Cacao looked at him but didn't move a muscle. "Can you at least sit down-" Vanilla said with a now disappointed look. Cacao moved to the edge of the bed and sat down, he looked at Pure Vanilla with a cold stare.

Pure Vanilla sighed seeming to look sad now. "I told you to stay in bed until you are better." Cacao looked down and said "I'm feeling better, I don't need you to treat like an infant. I know when I'm well and I know when I'm not."

"I am not treating you like a baby, I'm simply trying to help you, and it seems like you don't care! If you are better then you can simply leave and go back to your cold kingdom!" Pure Vanilla yelled, when he realized what he says he puts his hand over his mouth, Cacao seeming to look at him with wide eyes. "Wait- Cacao, I- I didn't mean it like th-" Pure Vanilla stamper but getting cut off by Cacao

"Fine" was all he said, simply grabbing his sword and walked out. Pure Vanilla stood there just watching it happened. Vanilla didn't mean to sound so rude, he just wanted to make sure he was ok.

Cacao walked out the castle,. simply finding the nearest carriage. He thought it was best to leave, Vanilla didn't have to care every time he woke up, he wasn't mad at the smaller cookie he was out of it. He thought of Pure Vanilla as a best friend he loved talking to him before meetings, and going to his garden, knowing he couldn't grow anything it was very cold and the harsh winter would kill every flower grown. He took one last glance at the castle and then turned around as the carriage started moving.

Pure Vanilla walked to his garden still looking disappointed, he wished he didn't say that to him. He mostly liked the bigger cookies company, even tho he didn't speak much, he knew Cacao wasn't the best at talking about his feeling. As he looked at the followers in his garden, he sees a certain one, it makes his heart hurt to see that flower. A white lily, nobody knew what happened to her, it just seems like she vanished or something.

-I will find you, even if it takes years-
Pure Vanilla whispers.

Time skip cause I said so

It was cold, yet again it didn't feel new-

He had started up his duties again, without the others help. He knew that there was another meeting tomorrow about the new cake hounds and other monsters coming up out of nowhere. The castle felt empty, he remembers a small child running around looking for him. He remembers that look, a look of a innocent cookie, a look that would make anyone laugh or smile. He wished he was a bit nicer.

It had been a few months when he left the vanilla kingdom, he didn't invite the smaller king over for anything. Not even for a cup for tea, this would be the first time in a while seeing the other king, he felt sad not seeing him for a while, he liked talking to him or reading stories found in his huge library. The books have probably collected more dust than ever. That's when the door opened, he didn't know who it was, he didn't plan anything with anyone. He turned around slowly and saw.

Lol Scroll Bait 😏 there nothing here
I'm sorry 😔🙏

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