- Chapter 11 -

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Sorry this took to long
Anno will work fast for you :3

"Look... Them" Pure Vanilla hears someone giggle, he starts to open his eyes, "Look he.. up-" another voice says, he finally opens his eyes seeing HollyBerry and Golden Cheese in front of him. "Morning sleepy head, nice pillow you got there" Golden Cheese chuckled, Pure Vanilla looked confused then he looks to his side seeing he was laying against Cacao, His eyes goes wide and he yelps this wakes Cacao up He shot up bumping his head against Vanilla's in the process. "Ah... Sorry" Cacao mumbles, he looks at Vanilla then he turns to HollyBerry and Golden Cheese then back at Vanilla, His faces goes red.

"What's up love birds" Golden Cheese snickered, "Hush-" Cacao grumbles, they both get up off the ground, Pure Vanilla dust himself off, "Sorry about that..." Vanilla says quietly "It's alright...." Cacao mumbles. "We should get going, we will make before dawn..." Vanilla says, he turns around to grab his staff realizing it was broken and chewed up, "MY STAFF!" Vanilla yelled in distressed, he picks the 2 pieces,  "Who could do such a thing" Pure Vanilla whimpered looking at his now broken staff, "Don't worry I'm pretty sure you can fix it once you get to your kingdom" HollyBerry reassured him, "I guess your right.." Vanilla sighs and starts walking, they followed behind him.

I lazy with this

Cacao looked around the forest hoping to find something that would fix Vanilla's staff, "Finally we made it" HollyBerry said, they stood in a part of the forest that was divided by certain trees and lakes, "Finally now I can fly, you guys are super slow" Golden Cheese said, "Well you should have flew away when you had the chance" Cacao mumbled, "Well I couldn't leave y'all, who know what could have happened to my amazing friends" Golden Cheese said sarcastically, "Well I'll see y'all" HollyBerry started to head off, Golden Cheese had flew off as well. "Well I guess it's just us till we get to another half point" Pure Vanilla said, Cacao just nodded and started to head off.

(Uhhhh A/N it takes them about 3 days to walk from Gingerbrave's kingdom to their own, besides Cacao it takes him 4 days. But taking a carriage would only take 1-2 days depending where you go, it might only take a few hours)

It was quiet as they walked into the forest, Cacao still looking around for vines of some what, Pure Vanilla was looking down holding his broken staff, he looks up at Cacao he seemed like he was lost in thoughts, Pure Vanilla watches Cacao's long hair sway back and forward, he then looks down at Cacao's hand, it had few scars here and there but that didn't stop Vanilla from grabbing it, He looks off to side like he was embarrassed Cacao just looked at him and gave a small smile and continued walking, the walked for another few minutes until they felt small rain drops. "Great.... We better find somewhere to sit for this rain to pass" Cacao mumbles, Pure Vanilla looks around "How about over there" Vanilla points to what looks like an abandoned den big enough for both of them to fit, "That should be good, let's go" Still holding hands Cacao leads Vanilla over to the den. They sit inside, Cacao looks up seeing some vines and moss growing from the top, he reaches out to it and pulls it, "Let me see your staff" Cacao says, Pure Vanilla looks confused but hands him the 2 parts of the staff.

Cacao takes out a small knife (we back at it with that dagger), he starts to smooth out the wood, getting rid of the bite mark and any chipped pieces that would cause a splinter, Cacao looks over and Pure Vanilla, he was shaking a bit like he was cold, Cacao takes his cape and wraps it around Vanilla, he goes back to fixing his staff. Pure Vanilla looks up at Cacao and smiles, he leans on his shoulder messing with his hair a bit, "What are you doing?" Cacao asked not looking away from the staff "Braiding your hair" Pure Vanilla chuckled, Cacao just grumbles.

About 15 minutes later Pure Vanilla falls asleep, Cacao was finishing wrapping the vines around Pure Vanilla's staff, he looks outside seeing that it had stopped raining. He decided to pick up Vanilla and carry him while he walks. Soft snores come from the smaller king (yes yes as tall said THE GRANDPA SNORES), After an hour of walking, Pure Vanilla finally wakes up he stares at Cacao his face turning red in the process, Cacao looks down at Vanilla but continues to walk "You know you can set me down" Vanilla mumbles, "I was going to whenever you asked me too" Cacao said, "Then set me down" Vanilla says, Cacao sets him down letting him walk for himself, he didn't want to admit that he enjoyed staying in Cacao's arms, "Here" Cacao mumbled taking the staff from a sleeve that held up his sword, Vanilla takes the staff looking where Cacao fixed it, there was vines wrapped around it and put into a tight knot. "You can cut the vines off once you get to your kingdom and get a professional to fix it" Cacao mumbled looking to the side, "I think I'm going to keep it like this..." Vanilla says with a smile.

They make it to a half point where a giant rock covered in moss was sitting, it divided the Vanilla Kingdom and the Cacao Kingdom. "I guess this is where we part ways" Vanilla says, "I guess so... I'll see you..." Cacao mumbles starting to walk off, Vanilla quickly grabs his hand and looks up at him, "Wait..." Vanilla whispers, Cacao looked confused. Vanilla quickly reaches up to Cacao's face and kisses him on his lips, it was a quick kiss. Cacao freezes.

"I- I'm sorry..." Vanilla studders out

"I love you too" Cacao mumbles
Vanilla looked up at him with wide eyes, he then smiles. The look at each other for another minute before parting ways, but not forgetting to give each other another kiss.


sorry for caps but I hope you like this chapter, love you all (platonically)💕


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