~Chapter 10~

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-We don't talk about this picture please-

Now they kiss

"Look! Their leaning in!" Golden Cheese whispers loudly.
"Hush or your gonna get us caught!"Hollyberry whispers as well

The two males look at each other for a bit, slowly leaning towards one another. Their faces get closer, Pure Vanilla feels a rush of heat come but then.

(Hahahahahah, Anno is amazing)

Golden Cheese sneezed (lol get mad 😬)
The males turn around quickly and saw nobody there, Cacao got up to look around and find who ever was watching them. Golden Cheese and Hollyberry turn around away from them.
"Look what you done! Now their gonna find us!" Hollyberry whispers."I'm sorrrryyy.... I couldn't help it" Golden Cheese whines. The two girls slowly turn around and was met with an angry Cacao. They jumped as they saw his face. "What do you think you two are doing?" Cacao asked sternly, The two girls were two nervous, "We were- uh... Just looking for something" Golden Cheese chuckled nervously

"Looking for something includes spying on us?" Cacao said. "We just happened to pass by and- we thought something was going to happen....." Hollyberry looked down. Cacao just sighed "Come on Pure Vanilla let's go" Pure Vanilla quickly got up and ran twords Cacao. The four of them walked back to the kingdom together, Pure Vanilla hid their face within his hands in embarrassment. "Sooooooo- were you two going to kiss?" Golden Cheese mumble, Cacao just glared at her. "Ok- I'll be quiet"

As they walked back into the kingdom they see many cookies walking around, things seems normal again, some buildings still down but nothing they can't fix. "Do you think it's best that we go back to our kingdoms?" Pure Vanilla asked. "I think so, let's tell the others we are leaving just so they don't freak out when we are missing." Hollyberry says.

They looked around to at least find Gingerbrave or one of his friends, "Gingerbrave, over here for a second!" Pure Vanilla yells to him (he ain't that loud I swear 😔) Gingerbrave quickly walks over to him. "What is it Pure Vanilla?" He asks. "We are getting ready to leave back to our kingdoms, we thought it was best that you knew." Vanilla spoke softly. "I see... Alright then! Thank you for all your help!" Gingerbrave said happily (now he's loud 🧍)

As they walk to the entrance of the kingdom they though for a bit before realizing, nobody was going to pick them up-, Pure Vanilla sighs "I guess we have to walk, it's best that we make it to a half point before we split off". Golden Cheese let out a long annoying sigh, "You know how long it is to get there on foot, it's gonna take us a day or two knowing how slow Cacao is" Cacao just looked at her, he started walking off. "Then it's best that we get started sense I'm so slow" Cacao mumbles.

Im so sorry🧍

"My feet are killing me" Golden Cheese says, "You should be glad you have shoes, look a Vanilla, even his robe is getting dirty-" HollyBerry said quietly. "I can hear you, you know-" He said not looking back at the 2, "I know my feet and robe is getting dirty, I am much use to it" He spoke. The 2 looked at him like he was crazy or something, "So your telling me your gonna step in rocks, and snow?" Golden Cheese questioned. "I have my ways around" Vanilla chuckled, "Yeah sure-" Golden Cheese said sarcastically.

As they continued to walk the found themselves in a dark forest, "I don't remember this part of the forest, why did it get so dark..." Hollyberry mumbled, They heard something whining, they got chills as the sound got closer, or were they getting closer to it? They saw a shadow with the forest it looked pretty big, Golden Cheese, Hollyberry, and Pure Vanilla hid behind Cacao, "G- go look...." Pure Vanilla mumbled. Cacao just sighed annoyingly and went a head.

Moving the bushes around, and a few tree branches, he saw a Cake Hound, it was clawing at the dirty trying to get unstuck, it's lower body was stuck under a rather large tree. Cacao got closer to it, it started growling, but it didn't stop trying to escape the tree trap (your telling me there an emoji for trap? 🪤) , Cacao slowly raised his had to the Cake Hound's face, softly putting a hand on it, the cake hound didn't bite, it seemed like it called down. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT CACAO?!" HollyBerry yelled, the cake hound got scared and started struggling again, "Hush! I'm doing something" Cacao said sternly. He went over to where the tree was fallen at and struggled to lift it up.

After a few minutes he manage to get a opening big enough for the cake hound to escape, he sat the tree back down with a grunt, the cake hound looked at him and got closer. "Cacao are you alright?" It was Pure Vanilla, the other 2 ancients behind him, the cake hound quickly ran off. "What was that?" Golden Cheese asked. "A cake hound got stuck under this tree to I helped it escape" Cacao mumbled. "Wow you helping a cake hound? I'm surprised" Golden Cheese joked around, "I would have left you if that tree was on top of you" Cacao snickered (Yes Emo laughs, but smiles, When he sees his Husband😶).

As they continued to walk they finally made it to a familiar part of the forest, "I'm sure we are almost there, but let's take a break for now" Pure Vanilla said, they started gathering items like wood for a fire, and some stamina jelly they had picked up before they left the kingdom. "What a day, I'm so tired" Golden Cheese sighed "I'm gonna be in a deep sleep" she mumbles, "Now if you don't wake up when it's time to leave, your fault" Cacao grumbled. "You wouldn't dare!" Golden Cheese says, "Oh I would" Cacao joked

They all shared a laugh, before heading of to sleep.


but I wanna thank everyone who likes the book like I never expected this (• ▽ •;) I honestly thought this was going to be complete cringe and bad
But again thank you!

Wattpad is being a butt publishing this 😔

🌾Anno~ 🌾

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