~Chapter 7~

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No they WONT do the luv dove in the bed thank you very much
Unless y'all want oneshot of course 😏🤌

But really
Too guys in a room
They might kiss😬

Walking out of his room, he sees Pure Vanilla standing off to the side. Still a blushing mess as he turns around.

"I thought you were leaving?" Cacao said he was slightly blushing after the small event, but still none the less was staring at him

"I was going to but-" Pure Vanilla thought for a second he needed to make something up. "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to my kingdom, maybe help with that uh... Scar a bit" sweat drip from the side of their face, he didn't want to admit that he wanted to stay with Cacao a bit more.

Cacao stares at him for a bit, Pure Vanilla was looking down at the floor, he was too scared to look up. ".... Sure, I guess-" Cacao grumbled
Pure Vanilla looked up a smiled awkwardly "Alright! Come we can't be late can we" Pure Vanilla grabbed his had and walked to the door leading outside. Both males were a blushing mess, but they didn't say anything.

As they made their way to Pure Vanilla carriage, they had a small talk about some stuff during the ride Pure Vanilla asked Cacao

"Do you- like anyone, I mean I know you aren't very good with feeling but is there anyone you think of?" Pure Vanilla said *that was a stupid question to ask him* Vanilla thought to himself

"Yes, at least I think so, I very much care about many people but, there only two I think about the most. I think about my son...." He pause for a bit "I know, I really shouldn't but I wasn't the best farther ever. Maybe I was too worked up with everything, I want to make up for what I lost. But I don't think I will find him anytime soon." Cacao said he sounded a bit sad after that.

Pure Vanilla wanted to make him feel a bit better so he leaned on his side, he didn't really think this through. "It's going to be alright I'm sure you will find him. I'm pretty sure he will be sorry too." Pure Vanilla said.

"I hope" was a Cacao said. Pure Vanilla lay on his side for the rest of the trip. He knew what the feeling were now. Love was it, he didn't want to get rid of the feeling. It made him feel good, he wonders if Cacao feels the same.

Short A/N here
The reason why I don't just make a new chapter when I cut something off is because it's too short and I need to do longer chapters or I'll get lazy 😬 👍

As they made their way back to the Vanilla Castle, they had another small talk, Pure Vanilla talked about how he had gotten some new cotton candy sheep, they lived outside by the garden. He said that they would go see them before he heals Cacao's scar so he wouldn't forget.

It's been a few hours since they got in, as promised Pure Vanilla showed Cacao the sheep, there was about 10 or so. "And that one is Millie!" Pure Vanilla said counting the last sheeep. "Nice names Nilla." Cacao said.
Pure Vanilla stared at Cacao with a somewhat confused look, Cacao looks back. "Do you not like the nickname, I can stop saying it if like" Cacao say, looking away from Pure Vanilla stare

"Oh... OH, wait no it's alright...- I like it" Vanilla say blushing. "Anyways let go to a spare room and check on that scar of yours." He said quickly changing the subject. "Alright" Cacao mumble while following Pure Vanilla

As the walked into the room, Pure Vanilla look to the side while Cacao took of whatever top he was wearing.
Pure Vanilla was lost in thoughts as he looked at the scar, he was lucky it wasn't bleeding anymore, even tho that day was long ago, he still fear of what could have happened if he wasn't early.
It seems like the scar didn't heal as good as he thought- but non the less Vanilla tried to heal what he could. After that he wrapped more bandages around just in case.

"There that should do it, I'm asking you to please don't do anything crazy. I know it's been months but that turned into an ugly scar and any touch on that would surely make it bleed again, if you'd just stayed here it would have been a lot better" Pure Vanilla says, whispering the last part
Cacao wasn't up to argue with Vanilla so he kept quiet. Looking around the room he found his eyes staring at Vanilla's bed, it was huge compared to him.

"So..., Was there anything you would like to tell me. I know you didn't just invite me over to heal me" Cacao said, Pure Vanilla looked up, knew that Cacao was pretty smart he probably knew he was lying.

"Well I-" Pure Vanilla started
"Pure Vanilla sir, we need you quickly!"
It was one of the servants, they looked distressed.

"Yes, here I come. You should come too Cacao." Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao quickly got up and left with the servant.
"There was a report at the smaller kingdom!"


(Another quick a/n the reason I call it small/smaller kingdom is because I wouldn't simply say what my kingdoms name, because it wouldn't make sense and I can't think of a name for it (so I'll take suggestions for kingdom names)

A/n over (^^)

"What? What happened!?" Pure Vanilla said, his voice was getting shaky

"They had been ambush, and some of the kingdom has been destroyed!" The servant said

"Then we should quickly get over there! Let's go" Pure Vanilla said as he quickly walked (this MF bear foot, oh to not be able to step in rocks)
Dark Cacao quickly followed behind
He wonders to himself, who could do such a thing. And why now

-uh time skip, y'all should know I'm lazy-

As they made their way out and into the kingdom, they saw-

Cookies laying on the ground, there was blood by them. Most of the healers like Herb was around them, some of the house, and production building were demolish. At that time HollyBerry and Golden Cheese just ran up

"What- What the hell!?" Golden Cheese yelled

Yeah I cut it off here >:)
Edit: this wasn't in the first cut buuuutttt-

Trying to be Smart Anno:

This is about Cacao scar
Depending on how things heal/can heal in this world, a normal healer magic would heal a cut/scar whatever and it won't leave a mark

But because the gash is very deep, it didn't heal like it should because he only had basically 3 days of healing a deep gash. And knowing how bulky this man😬 is, it isn't gonna heal as fast as PV thought so it left a mark, and if picking at it or just doing to much would simply split it open(like if got stitches or something and you make your skin stretch while it's healing, the cut will open)

You get it right? Yes, no, idk 😔 just deal with it

(I do not "simp" for the bulky man)

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