~Chapter 9~

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Sorry for the late update
(Also I sometimes post my chapters at school, and the wifi is pretty good but sometimes bad and it says I didn't upload the chapters-
So if I post it again that's the reason why!)
being a freshman is stupid 🙄
Also gay gay homosexual gays

Dark Cacao woke up to the sun in his eyes, he recalls what happened last night, he sees HollyBerry and Golden Cheese still sleep, but Pure Vanilla gone, he was a bit worried so he started looking for him.

Walking towards the entrance of the kingdom he spots a blond hair man by a small pond outside the kingdom walls, he walks over too him, Pure Vanilla got startled by the sudden sound and turned around quickly.

"Oh... It's just you Cacao..." Pure Vanilla said, he sounded kinda tired and sad

"Are you alright, You look pretty tired, did you get any sleep last night?" Cacao questioned

"Ah.... Not really, just stuff has been on my mind" Pure Vanilla says, he looks down at the pond, small pinap fish are swimming in it

Cacao joins Pure Vanilla on a log he had been sitting on, it grown quite old, as for there was moss on it

It was quiet, you can hear birds chirping, water running, trees rustling

A peaceful moment, but they knew that wouldn't last long.

"You know, we have to do something about this.... problem, right?" Pure Vanilla said, he was gazing at the clear water

Cacao just grunted, they knew that she would come back eventually.

"We should try to leave some more of our warriors here, now that they know they live here." Pure Vanilla layed eyes on Cacao (sounds gay enough right?)

Cacao stared back, but quickly looking away, blushing at the sight. "I guess..." It was a long time before Cacao spoke again. "We should head back to our kingdoms soon..."

"Your right.... I guess we should at least help them out with shelter for the time being, sleeping outside is not the best." Vanilla slightly smiled

They stayed on the log for the time being, the sun was still rising, it was warm out, something Cacao didn't feel a lot. It was always cold, the only warmth he got in his kingdom was from the fireplaces.

He felt something on his shoulder, as he looked over he saw Pure Vanilla laying against him, his eyes were closed, guessing that he was sleeping. Cacao didn't move, he knew any slight movement would wake the smaller king, so he sat there for another 20 minutes

After a while of sitting, Cacao got up and picked up Vanilla, carrying him back to the kingdom, the smaller male was slightly snoring, it seems like he attached himself to Cacao.

He slightly blushed at the sight, but still carried him, Cacao had covered Vanilla with his cape keeping him warm in the process,he had made his way back to the kingdom entrance, he sees many cookies talking to each other

"Cacao! There you are!" HollyBerry yelled (100% the mom friend) "Where did you go, and where Pure Vanilla?"

"We just went into the forest, we weren't far... Also he's right here" Cacao moved his cape out the way, showing Pure Vanilla sleep in Cacao's arms

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