~Chapter 8~

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The pictures get worst everytime .-.



Why are y'all still reading this bullshit😒

It's like 8am and I didn't get any sleep🙄👍

"What- What the hell!?" Golden Cheese yelled
Building gone, cookies hurt, just everything wrong

A young cookie ran up to them." Your here! Thank God!" Gingerbrave said "please we need your help there still a few cookies trapped under rubble, and cookies need healing!" The Ancients nodded and went their ways, helping any cookie they could find.

Pure Vanilla started helping the fallen cookied that were in the worst condition. The others moved broken parts of building to make sure nobody was trapped. After hours of searching they found 20 cookies, most had small scratches and some were bleeding from the head.

"That should be all, we moved everything we can!" HollyBerry said, Pure Vanilla and the other healers were still working, that's when a loud BOOM happened. They all turned around. There seem to be some cookies walking twords them, a tall one with purple hair, wearing an old robe, a red haired one that was holding a mirror, a fairly short one that seems to have a giant mushroom on its head, and-

    Dark Choco....



"Ahahaha, so it seems like our plan worked" The one with the old robe. "Seems like master was right!" He added (imagine him with a squeaky teenager voice)
"You won't get a away with this Licorice!"Gingerbrave yelled, he looked angry

But that didn't matter to Cacao, he was just staring at his son, he had a scar over the eye he had cut, and was still holding that sword- the sword with the same glowing gem.

They look at each other, it was quiet and it seem like an entirety before Cacao spoke up.
"What- were you on to this madness" he choke out, seeming sad that his son had been on this plan in some way
Many cookies looked at the two, some with wide eyes.
"Enough with the family reunion, I get it father and son. But we don't have tiiimmmmeee for that just attack alreaddddyyyy" Licorice yelled.
(Way to ruin the mood, squeaky teenager 🙄🖐️)

Just then it seemed like many cake hounds and other type of monster came out of no where.
They started coming after the cookies, there wasn't many who could fight so the ancient came over to help. It was a tiring and useless battle. But something came up to Pure Vanilla mind.

Cacao is still healing, he knew battling wouldn't help, as for he didn't heal as fast as he could. Pure Vanilla looked over to him, he seems to be slowing down, he saw Dark Choco come up to him.

Cacao huffed "If your going to kill me, do it now."
He was looking at the ground. Dark Choco just stared, looking at his father, he felt odd, he felt sorry for what he had done. He remembers that day, he wished he didn't, he wished he didn't get that cursed sword. "WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE, DO SOMETHING, YOU HAVE AN OPEN CHANCE TO GET HIM" Licorice yelled, Dark Choco looked up at him, then back down to his father as he raised his sword again, it felt like Deja Vu. The sword came fast but nothing happened.

Dark Cacao looked up, it was a shield that Pure Vanilla summoned, he looked over to the smaller king, he seemed to be struggling a bit, then looked back at Choco who was looking at Pure Vanilla as well. He started walking over to him, again the red gem on his sword glowing.

Pure Vanilla seemed to be in shock, he wasn't a fighter so he didn't know what to do. Dark Choco seem to rasing his sword at him, he closed his eyes shut, he heard a grunt.
Cacao was in front of him, he didn't know what happened but blood was dripping from somewhere in his body. HollyBerry came over a took Pure Vanilla, still in shock he got dragged away.

The two was standing, swords clashed, blood and sweat dripped. Cacao would have never believed in fighting his own son. "You know I wanted to find you, and apologize- for being a bad father-" Cacao said.

"Like you would ever say such things" Dark Choco quietly said to him. Still with their swords clashed. They were face to face, Cacao had a now large scar across his face, he was lucky he still had his eye sight.

"CHOCO, LETS GO WE'RE DONE HERE!" Licorice yelled. Dark Choco looked at him, then back at Cacao and stopped fighting. He seemed a bit weaker then last time, as he ran off with the others not forgetting to look at Cacao once again.




That was it?

No that didn't seem right....

Or maybe?

All the cookies looked at one another, that was something.....

More cookies injured, all the healers came by one another gathering cookies to heal, Pure Vanilla being one. He stared at Cacao he seemed to be standing there, he carefully walked over to see what was wrong, he was still dripping blood. Pure Vanilla looked at his face with a surprised look, the blood coming from a large scar across his face, he seemed to be shedding tears.... Or is that sweat?

"Cacao- are you, alright?" Pure Vanilla said quickly
".... Just heal me" was all Cacao said, he looked disappointed. Pure Vanilla didn't wanna make matters worst so he just healed him, the two blankly looked at the sky, it was getting dark and they knew the [small kingdom] needed help.

As they gather all the blankets, or soft materials they can, they made beds of the grass, it was warm so they didn't need anything on top of them. After setting up the ancients slowly made there way to their own small pallets, they were spaced apart, uncomfortable but something was better than nothing.



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