~Chapter 6~

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Lol imagine being left on a cliffhanger 🙄

Sorry not sorry

Oh there nothing here why are you still on this book?

Pure Vanilla standing at the doorway, it seems like he had invited himself in

"... Hello, Cacao-" Pure Vanilla said, looking down at the floor. "I know it's been months, but I wanted to apologize for yelling at you..." He added

"Its- alright"Cacao looked to the side, he didn't want to make eye contact

It was silent for a minute then Cacao spoke up. "Would you- like a cup of tea, I don't think standing around here is the best feeling" He said slightly blushing but still looking to the side

"That would be nice... Thank you." Pure Vanilla said blushing and smiling.

The two sat down in a small room having small chats and laughing. Pure Vanilla loved seeing Cacao smile and laugh, it was pretty rare as for he thinks he's the only one who can get him like that.

"Huh- I didn't realize how late it has gotten" Pure Vanilla says. Cacao looks outside "I guess your right- would you like to stay the night, it's not the best option to go out now, and you would be here for the meeting already." Cacao said.

"That would be lovely, but I don't have anywhere to sleep, or any night clothes." Vanilla said, he knew it would be cold in the kingdom, and sleeping in his main clothing wouldn't be so comfortable. "Your right..." Cacao thought for a bit
"I can give you something to wear, you can stay... In Cho-" He stopped himself. "The guest room, there an extra room by the library."

Pure Vanilla knew what he was going to say, but he decided not to bring it up, he simply got up and followed Cacao to his room. When he got there he didn't expect for his bed to be that big.

"You can sit down for a bit I'll be right back" Cacao  said as he left the room. Pure Vanilla sat on his bed and lay down. It was very comfortable and warm. He closed his eyes think about something, Cacao, even if he tried he couldn't stop thinking about him, there was some reason why, he just couldn't think of it at the top of his head. In a few minutes he let the sleep consume him as he was still laying back on Cacao's bed.

When Cacao came back into his room, he saw Pure Vanilla sleep on the edge, he was bound to fall off if he moved. Cacao slightly smiled and picked up the smaller cookie, putting them under the blankets to keep him warm. Cacao went to the other side of the best, he was sure they would both fit as for with just Cacao there was still tons of room left. Cacao turned off a small lamp on a small table, and went under the blanket.
He as well let the sleep consume him, he didn't know what it was but that was the best sleep he got in months.

(Wakey wakey it's time for school, come on man it's time for skool😔)

Opening his eyes, Pure Vanilla felt odd. He took a moment and looked around the room he knew it wasn't his room, he looked to the side a saw Cacao still sleeping. "EEP!" was all Pure Vanilla said as he jumped off the bed, he didn't remember what happened last night, but he knew he was in Cacao's room. Cacao shot up looking around the room, he turned to the spot that was a bit messy. He saw Pure Vanilla on the floor, he was holding the back of his head with his eyes closed. "Are you alright?" Cacao said

Pure Vanilla looked up at him, he looked shocked then after a quick glance at Cacao his face went back to normal. "Ye-yeah, I'm alright" Pure Vanilla blushed, thinking why he was on Cacao's bed

"If your wondering,you feel asleep on my bed last night, so I decided it was best that you slept in here." Cacao said he had a small blush on his face

Pure Vanilla smiled "Ah- I'm sorry, but thank you"
Cacao looked at Vanilla
*That smile is bright, maybe I should smile more*
Cacao thought

After a while of talking and walking it was time for their meeting. HollyBerry and Golden Cheese walked into the room where Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao sat.

"Do you not have any heaters in this place! It's freezing!" Golden Cheese said

"Why don't you bring a coat and put on real clothing, it's not summer here you know." Cacao said sarcastically

Golden Cheese mumble something and rolls their eyes, as she as at down. "Anyways we shouldn't be worried about that right now, we heard their problems at the smaller kingdom, for what gingerbrave told us, their seems to be more cake hounds then anything around the forest." Pure Vanilla said, he seems to be wearing his reading glasses.

"They have manage to scare some of them away, but most come back. There has to be someone behind this" Pure Vanilla added

"We should at least investigate, I mean tons of cake hounds appearing out of no where is pretty weird" HollyBerry said

As the other ancients were talking, Cacao sat in silence looking to the side. There was many thoughts going around his head, thinking to hard about this and that, he didn't even hear the others calling his name.

That was when Pure Vanilla shook his shoulder. "Are you alright? We've been calling you name for the past minute." Pure Vanilla says with a concern look. "I'm sorry I was thinking about- something" he didn't want to talk about anything in this matter, he doesn't do much for the other kingdoms unless it's an emergency.

"As I was saying, Cacao will you at least send some of your knights to defend the kingdom? We all agreed we would send some of ours as well" HollyBerry suggested

Cacao thought for a bit. "Alright I'll send some" He said, going back to his deep thoughts.

After a while HollyBerry and Golden Cheese had left, Cacao left to his room thinking Pure Vanilla was going to leave as well.

Cacao took off his heavy armor and set it up on a stand and took a shirt he was wearing under, his chest was still bandaged, he manage to unravel it looking at a large scar across his chest, he cringed at the thought of what happened, that's when Pure Vanilla walked in, uninvited once again, they turn to face each other. "I- I'm sorry!" Pure Vanilla quickly closed the door. Cacao put on a shirt quickly.

Pure Vanilla stands outside the door, blushing hard. He didn't expect that, but then again when Cacao turned around he saw his scar, it was a nasty gash, he wished he would have stayed in the kingdom a while longer so it would have healed a bit better.

Wow 1153 words 😏 long one huh-

The last chapter was not scroll bait I promise I needed a cliff hanger for you guys, please don't get mad 😔👌

Anyways I'll work on a longer chapter after this because I'll probably take a break once I get to chapter 10 🚶

If y'all didn't know I like emojis a lot👏

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