~Chapter 3~

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Where am I?
What happened..?

He looked again at the figures in front of him

"Your- your awake!"
Pure Vanilla said as he rushed over to Cacao giving him a hug, Cacao grunt in pain as Vanilla squeezed at bit too hard.

"I'm sorry- I was just so worried and... I didn't think you would wake up, I tried my best to heal you, there was so much blood and I- I"
Pure Vanilla rambled and mumbled

"It's ok, I'm alright-" Cacao was cut off

"You are not alright, there is a large scar across you chest!" HollyBerry yelled

Cacao looked down at his chest, many bandages were wrapped around him.

"..." Cacao looked sadden at the scar, but after a few second he went back to his normal look

"What happened? We were supposed to have a meeting a few days ago, then we get a letter from Vanilla to come here." Golden Cheese said

Cacao looked disappointed, he remembers what happened that day now.

"You don't hav-" Golden Cheese started but was cut off by Cacao

"No, it's fine I'll tell you"
Flassssh back(~‾▿‾)~

Sorry the mood was too serious

It was another cold day, of course he lived in the cold snowy weather, he was used to it at this point. He was getting ready for the meeting with the other ancients. He knew Pure Vanilla would be very early, he found himself liking the smaller cookie company, they would walk around the library till the others got there.

As he was waiting, heard the door open. It was his son Dark Choco, he was holding a sword that had a glowing red gem on it. Confused to what happened to his older sword he got up and went over to his son who walk passed, and ignored him. Dark Choco went straight to his room

Dark Cacao wasn't the best parent ever, they say he was to serious and looked scary. Dark Cacao would talk to him later.

After a decent 30 minutes Dark Cacao found his son walking up to him, still holding the sword.

"Choco, I wanted to ask you about that sword, what happened to the old one I gave you?"
Dark Cacao questioned

His son still looked down not even giving him eye contact

Dark Cacao was confused, he knew him and his son didn't exactly have that father-son bond.

"Are you alr-" Dark Cacao was cut off by his son

"I'm sorry- Father-" was all Dark Choco said, he raised the sword he was holding, then...

It was all so quick, Dark Cacao found himself on the floor, he was in much pain. He looked down and saw blood pouring out a large wound on his chest, he looked back up at this son.

-How- how could he do this- to me-

Dark Cacao looked at his son with a furious look

"Leave... Leave and never come back" was all Dark Cacao said, he could feel himself getting weak
He dropped to the hard, cold floor.

He could see his son looking at him, he seem to be in pure shock of what he had done. He wanted to help, but he saw his father getting up and reaching for something as Dark Choco got closer Dark Cacao took the small knife (dagger if like) and sliced Dark Choco eye.

He stared at Cacao in shock. His father dropped to the ground again. His breathing was slowing down, the shine from his eye were slowly fading.

Dark Choco couldn't bare to see what he has done, he simply took another glance and ran out the castle.

Dark Cacao was still on the floor he saw his blood all on the floor, then he heard one of his servants coming, looking at Cacao with pure shock the servants ran around calling others to help.

There was many cookies around him trying to close the wound. They couldn't stop the bleeding as fast, Dark Cacao eyes slowly started to close he couldn't keep himself up any longer.

He heard yelling, he couldn't make it out who it was. The last thing he heard was a door slamming.

End of flashback


"YOUR SON DID THIS TO YOU!?" HollyBerry yelled

Dark Cacao simply nodded and looked back at the ancients

Pure Vanilla was still mumbling something, Cacao couldn't make it out.

"Vanilla, your mumbling something, what's the matter, I seem to be ok. You don't have to worry." Dark Cacao said, Pure Vanilla looked up at him, then back down

"I guess you right..." Was all he said

"You simply can't do your duties here now can you, we can help your kingdom the best we can while you are healing" Golden Cheese said

"I'll be fine in a few days, you don't have to do much" Dark Cacao said in his usual monotone voice

"You sure about that bud, I mean look at how many bandages on you, it doesn't look like you'll get better in a 'few days'" HollyBerry said

There was still some blood coming out it the scar
They were right tho, he wasn't going to get better in a few days.

He simply looked down at his hands, he did a simple nod before laying back down

"We should let you rest, we will discuss our stuff in the meeting room, I'll come check up in you in a bit" Pure Vanilla said

Dark Cacao simply grunted and closed his eyes
He heard the door close, he was alone in a room once again.

A/N: MAN I didn't expect to get this much done!
I had time in school soo- also I'm trying not to make this such a sad story

This still includes stuff from the original story like from the game with some twist and turns!

We all know that HollyBerry is queen 🙄 🖐️#girlboss

But I hope you enjoy the story so far!
October  2021✓

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