~ Chapter 12.... The Finale~

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(yes did I take Pure Vanilla and Cacao's sprites to make that edit, yes he's I did)

Before I start I wanna to say something, now it's not like I'm disappearing or anything I'll make more story's for you guys! But I say this a lot in my chapters and I wanna put it together now-

I thank everyone for liking this story, as for it's the first story I have ever made in my 14 years of living. I'm usually embarrassed about this stuff because I think I'm absolutely trash at everything I do, but people on here made me want to continue this story from chapter 1! I was originally going to stop and discontinued this book at first but then I got a few comments, of course you can find all of them on here and I'm sure I'll call you all my good friends! Anno is not very good with talking but on media when I get positive things it makes me happy.

So just a small heads up:
Anno loves you all, and hopes you all do well!

With all due respect, here is the last chapter of this book:

Pure Vanilla continue walking to his kingdom, he knew where he was going as for he can see the castle in the sky. He thought about the kiss, he was very embarrassed but happy that Cacao loved him back. He knew the trip to his kingdom would take a few hours but he didn't mind, maybe once he gets home he will write a letter to Cacao.

He stares at the vines that Cacao had tied around his staff, in all means well his staff was alright and lucky that it didn't lose any of it's petals. He didn't exactly know why he had this staff, they say it was supposed to help him see. Pure Vanilla knew his eye sight was pretty bad he couldn't see far but still has his vision none the less.

As he walked on he smelt something, like something was burning, the smell gave him quite a headache but then he heard rustling, he swiftly points his head twords the sound. "W- who's there!" he yelled, it went quiet after that "Show yourself-" Vanilla said, he heard the rustling again this time a Vanilla Villager came out the bushes, "Oh! Pure Vanilla thank the witches!" The villager said, "What's the problem why are you all the way out here?" Pure Vanilla asked, "The kingdom is under attack, and we've been looking for you!" The villager said, Pure Vanilla face goes into shock he was under attack while he was away, who could do such a-

Dark Enchantress....

"Please take me there now, we must hurry so I can get the other ancients!" Pure Vanilla said in a worry tone, the Villager nodded and started to run twords the kingdom, the smell of smoke was overwhelming, they started to cough due to how much there was, but they finally made it to the kingdom. Houses were broken and turned into rubble, Villagers were running or trying to help one another. "Pure Vanilla! Your highness!" A knight called out, "The kingdom its-" he was cut off, "I know we must hurry, send out knights that are quick, we need to get the other ancients and Gingerbrave's Kingdom! I will help the others evacuate!" Pure Vanilla yells, "Yes your highness!" The knight says speeding of to find others, Pure Vanilla started to help the others as much as he could. About 15 minutes later 4 knights had been sent off, fast on their horses to get the other ancients.

Cacao walked in the snow, he knew he still had hours to go but he would come across the Milk Village soon at least the smaller part of it, he continues to walk for a while till he heard something, "sir cacao!" He hears a voice call out it was quiet, Cacao turned around seeing someone running twords him waving their hands, "Sir Cacao!" The voice got louder, he looked at the clothing of the cookie realizing they came from the Vanilla Kingdom. "Yes..? Why is a Vanilla Knight all the way out here?" Cacao asked, "The kingdom is under attack, Pure Vanilla needs your help, If you keep walking that way, my horse should be there!" The knight said quickly, Cacao face turned into horror hearing that, "I must go immediately then, please keep walking straight you should come across a village, tell them I'll be back as soon as I can!" Cacao started to rush off, "Yes sir!" The knight said.

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