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"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention." — Oscar Wilde



Daryl remained on edge through his morning hunt. He'd had quite a bit of luck with squirrels, and he had found creek that seemed to have decent sized fish in it. What he didn't find, was any sign of someone following the group. He had backtracked their trail and found nothing on either side.

He wondered if Remy would be up for fishing later. She always seemed more at ease away from the group. It was worrisome. She always seemed like she had one foot in and the other out. She'd have to figure it out soon.

He was overly analyzing her to distract himself, he knew, but it was better than chasing ghosts in the woods. There was nothing. He wanted to let it go. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.


Daryl caught up to the group a way down the trail and as he stepped out of the trees, their guns were on him.

He held up the squirrel. "We surrender!" he joked. It got a soft snort from Remy. He turned to Rick. "No tracks...nothin'," he explained.

"So whatever you heard last night...?"

"It's more of what I felt. Like someone was watchin' us."

Remy broke in. "I didn't hear anything all night," she offered. Then she looked at Eugene. "And I was up." Eugene at least had enough sense to look embarrassed.

Daryl wanted that to be enough, wanted to relax. He couldn't. He ignored every warning bell at Terminus. He had stopped searching for the Governor.




Daryl had just returned to be held up with his squirrels, and the group was discussing whether or not they were being followed. Then, suddenly, they heard a desperate cry for help.

Remy immediately started toward it, but stopped when she realized that no one else had moved. She turned back and then to her surprise, Carl started urging Rick forward. Her heart warmed.

She didn't get much time to think of the relief she felt that Carl still had a heart for people, because Rick finally started moving and the rest of the group with him. A short way through the trees, they came on quite the scene.

There on a rocky outcropping, was a man, struggling to get away from a pack of walkers. Remy couldn't see any weapons, and he didn't really seem to be doing anything but screaming and crying for help. She bashed one of the walkers with her hammer, and the others put the rest down in turn.

Rick told the man to come on down from the rock. He came down and promptly vomited. When he raised up, Remy noticed his collar. A priest?

"Sorry....thank you," the priest said. "I'm Gabriel." Of course his name is Gabriel, she inwardly smirked.

Rick, ever the cop asked "Do you have any weapons?"

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